The causes of acne are varied, including hormones, heredity, medications, pregnancy, foods, the environment, and enlarged oil glands. Acne affects people of all ages and even though it is not dangerous, it can cause skin scarring and a shyness complex, in order to hide how our skin looks. There are many natural and organic options to use in order to heal acne, much of which is right on our food shelves and bathroom cabinets. Below are some simple methods in how to get rid of acne naturally, without any toxicity to the body and which are very successful.
Baking Soda
A baking soda mask is a great natural remedy for clearing acne problems. Using baking soda regularly until the acne heals helps to eliminate future breakouts, reduces redness, exfoliates the skin so that new clear cells will grow and it will heal old acne marks or scars.
‚¬ Use two teaspoons of baking soda
‚¬ Mix with a little warm water to form a paste. Apply it to the affected acne area. Leave it on for about 15 minutes when using for the first time and longer when you get more comfortable with using baking soda paste
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can be purchased over the counter in an organic, unrefined form and it can be applied directly to acne areas. This natural oil has many benefits, which includes its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is a great moisturizer, it reduces inflammation, and kills the bacteria that form blackheads, pustules, and other acne problems.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a product that is known to be a panacea which heals internally and externally. As a healing acne agent, it kills the bacteria that create acne problems. The best type to use is the raw, unfiltered vinegar which is a more powerful antibacterial and antifungal product.
‚¬ 4 teaspoons and 3 teaspoons of water
‚¬ Dip a cloth or cotton ball into this solution and apply directly to the acne skin areas.
Apple cider vinegar doesn't have an odor when left on the skin to dry and makeup can be worn over it without any irritation.
Brown Sugar Scrub
As delicious as it sounds, a brown sugar scrub is healthy for the skin in many ways. Use brown sugar as a scrub only 2 to 3 times a month because it opens the pores completely and if you use this scrub too much, the body will react by overproducing oil, making acne conditions worse. Dampen the skin, as in a warm shower, make a paste with brown sugar and lightly scrub the affected acne area, which cleans out the dirt, removes dead skin cells, and removes pore clogging oils.
Witch Hazel
This astringent is generally in every home because of its healing and sanitizing properties. Witch Hazel contains large amounts of tannic acids. Tannic acids has a myriad of curing enzymes for internal and external use, such as healing rashes, sore throat, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stops bleeding, gum diseases, aching joints, and it is used as a flavoring for various food dishes and drinks. Witch Hazel will clean out clogged pores and reduce the oiliness that causes acne.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice mixed with water and applied to acne affected areas, is a great solution to heal acne problems and to prevent acne from returning. It is safe to use daily, especially overnight.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has properties that mimic benzoyl peroxide, which is a common medication to heal acne problems. It is a powerful antifungal, antibacterial, and microbial agent that keeps the acne areas moisturized naturally, while drying up acne bumps with no stinging or redness.
‚¬ Mix an equal amount of tea tree oil and water
‚¬ Dip a cotton ball into this solution and dampen the acne areas
Tea tree oil can be left on the skin to dry and it can be reapplied throughout the day without any side effects.
How to Eliminate Your Acne Forever in as Little as 7 Days
I had tried a lot of methods to rid myself of my crippling acne. This program worked. My acne had cleared up and very quickly, I might add. My skin is now remarkably clear. Not a day goes by where I don't thank the lord that I found this powerful solution. It really works, I will recommend anyone who wishes to stop suffering and do something about his acne to order your program. It was the wisest decision I have ever made about myself. See this free presentation and it's reveals a somewhat unusual tip to eliminate your acne forever and gain beautiful clear skin in 30-60 days. End the breakouts & see results in less than 7 days! Check it out...
Baking Soda
A baking soda mask is a great natural remedy for clearing acne problems. Using baking soda regularly until the acne heals helps to eliminate future breakouts, reduces redness, exfoliates the skin so that new clear cells will grow and it will heal old acne marks or scars.
‚¬ Use two teaspoons of baking soda
‚¬ Mix with a little warm water to form a paste. Apply it to the affected acne area. Leave it on for about 15 minutes when using for the first time and longer when you get more comfortable with using baking soda paste
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can be purchased over the counter in an organic, unrefined form and it can be applied directly to acne areas. This natural oil has many benefits, which includes its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is a great moisturizer, it reduces inflammation, and kills the bacteria that form blackheads, pustules, and other acne problems.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a product that is known to be a panacea which heals internally and externally. As a healing acne agent, it kills the bacteria that create acne problems. The best type to use is the raw, unfiltered vinegar which is a more powerful antibacterial and antifungal product.
‚¬ 4 teaspoons and 3 teaspoons of water
‚¬ Dip a cloth or cotton ball into this solution and apply directly to the acne skin areas.
Apple cider vinegar doesn't have an odor when left on the skin to dry and makeup can be worn over it without any irritation.
Brown Sugar Scrub
As delicious as it sounds, a brown sugar scrub is healthy for the skin in many ways. Use brown sugar as a scrub only 2 to 3 times a month because it opens the pores completely and if you use this scrub too much, the body will react by overproducing oil, making acne conditions worse. Dampen the skin, as in a warm shower, make a paste with brown sugar and lightly scrub the affected acne area, which cleans out the dirt, removes dead skin cells, and removes pore clogging oils.
Witch Hazel
This astringent is generally in every home because of its healing and sanitizing properties. Witch Hazel contains large amounts of tannic acids. Tannic acids has a myriad of curing enzymes for internal and external use, such as healing rashes, sore throat, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stops bleeding, gum diseases, aching joints, and it is used as a flavoring for various food dishes and drinks. Witch Hazel will clean out clogged pores and reduce the oiliness that causes acne.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice mixed with water and applied to acne affected areas, is a great solution to heal acne problems and to prevent acne from returning. It is safe to use daily, especially overnight.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has properties that mimic benzoyl peroxide, which is a common medication to heal acne problems. It is a powerful antifungal, antibacterial, and microbial agent that keeps the acne areas moisturized naturally, while drying up acne bumps with no stinging or redness.
‚¬ Mix an equal amount of tea tree oil and water
‚¬ Dip a cotton ball into this solution and dampen the acne areas
Tea tree oil can be left on the skin to dry and it can be reapplied throughout the day without any side effects.
How to Eliminate Your Acne Forever in as Little as 7 Days
I had tried a lot of methods to rid myself of my crippling acne. This program worked. My acne had cleared up and very quickly, I might add. My skin is now remarkably clear. Not a day goes by where I don't thank the lord that I found this powerful solution. It really works, I will recommend anyone who wishes to stop suffering and do something about his acne to order your program. It was the wisest decision I have ever made about myself. See this free presentation and it's reveals a somewhat unusual tip to eliminate your acne forever and gain beautiful clear skin in 30-60 days. End the breakouts & see results in less than 7 days! Check it out...