- 1). Pull the opaque bottom off the two-quart soda bottle. Stick your finger between the edge of the bottom and the bottle and pull down to release the bottom.
- 2). Fill the bottom of the bottle with two inches of small pebbles to ensure good drainage. Fill this dish with potting soil to within one inch from the top edge.
- 3). Plant several different types of small plants in the dish. The plants can be up to six inches tall. Moisten the soil well.
- 4). Cut the top of the bottle just below the indentation around the sides of the bottle. Cut a two-inch slit straight down from the cut edge.
- 5). Turn the clear part of the bottle over and overlap the edges of the slit. This will allow you to push the cut edge of the bottle down into the opaque bottom and create a clear dome over the plastic dish, creating a great mini greenhouse.
- 6). Place your tiny greenhouse in a spot that receives morning or afternoon sunlight. The dome traps the evaporating water so that you will not need to water your plants very often. Check the soil every week, and water it only when it seems dry.