Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Three Simple Eye-Strengthening Exercises

You can improve your vision by carrying out several eye strengthening exercises while you go about your daily business.
Playing games.
There are many games which are restful and helpful to persons with defective vision and others which, because they cause mental-and therefore eye-tension, are better avoided.
Contract bridge is tiring for defective eyes while solitaire lacks the competitive element and keeps the eyes moving.
Such recreations as playing badminton, ping pong or tennis; throwing darts or quoits; bowling, walking, and skating all keep the eyes in constant movement and therefore are helpful to defective vision.
Young children derive the same benefits from spinning tops, playing marbles or jackstraws, bean-bag or ring tossing.
In other words, any game that keeps the eyes shifting helps to dissipate tension and creates better sight.
Go to the movies.
Many people complain of the ill effects they experience after looking at motion pictures.
This is a result of our old enemy, staring.
If you fix your gaze on one point of the screen and try to see the entire screen, you will always feel a strain.
If you are to acquire the normal use of your eyes, you must learn eye strengthening exercises and shift the focus from point to point.
Trace the outlines of faces, landscapes, animals, and so forth, endeavoring to see only a small area at any one moment, and at the end of the picture you will experience a great sense of freedom in the eyes.
Looking at these rapidly changing pictures will help to speed up the shifting of the tense eye and the result is a release of tension.
The first few times you go to the movies without glasses will probably be rather trying.
If you are nearsighted, sit close to the screen and follow the above instructions.
As television comes more and more into general use, there are increasing complaints of eye discomfort.
Undoubtedly this is a result of staring and trying to see the whole picture without shifting the eye from point to point.
If you will view television as you do the movies, you will eliminate the trouble.
It is amazing how a few simple rules will eradicate so much discomfort.
Glance at the screen and away, blinking normally.
Now and then cover your eyes and relax for a few moments to rest them.
If it is practicable to do so, it helps to see the same picture several times.
In this way you can check the improvement in your own vision.
If you are nearsighted, move back row by row as your sight improves; if far-sighted, move slowly closer to the screen.
You are not making an effort to see everything that goes on.
Watch yourself to make sure that at an exciting moment in the action you are not screwing your face up in a frown and straining.
Keep relaxed.
Going to the movies, when done properly, is an excellent and enjoyable way of improving vision.
Dim and sluggish sight is helped and vision stimulated.
Avoid four o'clock fatigue.
Vitality is apt to be at low ebb late in the afternoon, which is one reason why the British make such a point of serving tea at this time.
If you find yourself getting tired at this hour, try relaxing for a few minutes.
If you are in a public place where this would make you conspicuous, do mental relaxation, imagine your warm palms covering your closed lids.
These three eye strengthening exercises will help you have better vision.
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