How can we tell a person is a genius? Is there a way to measure one's intelligence? As a career life coach you can make use of a wide variety of tests to find out if your client is a genius or not. There are IQ tests as well as EQ tests which measure one's Emotional Quotient which some believe is a more accurate gauge of success. Nowadays, there are also tests that measure musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and mathematical intelligence. These tests can help your coaching career by giving more information about your client.
Being a genius entails being exceptionally good at something be it an intellectual or creative ability. This is usually what we aim for in our coaching career or any other career. To be exceptionally good at something, we need to learn to focus. When we are focused on a particular activity we are committed at doing good at it and of course achieving that goal. This focus and commitment is what we need to teach our career life coach clients. We can compare commitment and focus to a child at play. When children are having a good time and are playing, they lose track of the time and most often get so engrossed with what they are doing. Now you can qualify this as focus! This is the type of focus you would want your clients to have.
To be able to make your clients be focused and committed in reaching their goals is your job as a career life coach. You will have to make your clients be aware of the importance of this as well as making them enjoy their journey towards it. Our clients have certain goals they want to achieve but sometimes do not know where to start to achieve them.
One must begin with the work they are doing. Are they doing what they love? Do they belong to a company that makes full use of their talents? If they are not, then they should take a good look at their career and find out where they want to be. Being passionate about what you do makes you more motivated to do well. As a career life coach it is your job to help your clients identify what aspect of their jobs makes them happy or fulfilled or if they feel that this is not the job for them. If your clients are at jobs they are most fulfilled at then they can work and be committed in fulfilling their goals and be a genius at it. With these tips, you as a career life coach can build your coaching career as well with many clients satisfied at what you do.
Being a genius entails being exceptionally good at something be it an intellectual or creative ability. This is usually what we aim for in our coaching career or any other career. To be exceptionally good at something, we need to learn to focus. When we are focused on a particular activity we are committed at doing good at it and of course achieving that goal. This focus and commitment is what we need to teach our career life coach clients. We can compare commitment and focus to a child at play. When children are having a good time and are playing, they lose track of the time and most often get so engrossed with what they are doing. Now you can qualify this as focus! This is the type of focus you would want your clients to have.
To be able to make your clients be focused and committed in reaching their goals is your job as a career life coach. You will have to make your clients be aware of the importance of this as well as making them enjoy their journey towards it. Our clients have certain goals they want to achieve but sometimes do not know where to start to achieve them.
One must begin with the work they are doing. Are they doing what they love? Do they belong to a company that makes full use of their talents? If they are not, then they should take a good look at their career and find out where they want to be. Being passionate about what you do makes you more motivated to do well. As a career life coach it is your job to help your clients identify what aspect of their jobs makes them happy or fulfilled or if they feel that this is not the job for them. If your clients are at jobs they are most fulfilled at then they can work and be committed in fulfilling their goals and be a genius at it. With these tips, you as a career life coach can build your coaching career as well with many clients satisfied at what you do.