Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Effective Gout Cure - Take Care of Gout Once and For All

Gout is very common among Americans, in fact there are more than 5 million people in the United States alone still struggling with it.
Although there are lots of medicine/pills to get rid of gout, these medicines are only effective in getting rid of gout for a period of time.
Currently, there isn't any 100% treatment that can cure gout.
Gout is actually a kind of arthritis that is caused by the excess storage of uric acid in human body.
Uric acid is wastes that is produce by our body, and suppose to "get out" of our body.
Gout will form when the uric acid raise beyond the minimal level, as which then this acid leads to the formation of tiny crystal.
As gout shares certain symptoms with other diseases/illness like virus infection and sprain, it makes it harder for doctors to diagnose it.
Currently the best gout diagnosis if to go through your family medical history, as gout has high possibility to inherit from your parents.
Measuring the uric acid in your blood is also one of the best way to diagnose gout.
Currently all medication of gout is only able to control the pain of gout acute attack, shorten the period of gout duration.
Currently there is no any gout treatment that can really cure gout once and for all.
It is very common that after you get rid of gout, after certain period gout will attack you again at the same spot.
Personally I have been through numerous of gout attacks, and have tried almost all medication that is provided by my doctors.
Those medicines don't really stop gout, and after having those medicines, I suffer some of the side effects, like being sleepy during working hours etc.
There are a few natural gout home remedies that I would like to share, which is quite useful for me.
Applying ice on your gout affected regions is very useful in relieving gout symptoms immediately.
This is a quick remedy and it relieves your pain even faster than consuming pills.
But this is only for temporary relieving, as the pain will come back after you stop applying ice.
To remove the uric acid crystal, you might need other remedy.
Please do regular exercise, at least twice a week, and at least 30 minutes per duration.
Please try to avoid keeping your joints fixed in the same position for a long period of time.
This will help to prevent the formation of uric acid crystal in your joints.
Have more Vitamin C fruits and vegetables, as Vitamin C is very useful in preventing the formation of uric acid crystal.
There are lots of choices for Vitamin C sources and I recommend natural fruits and not those vitamin pills.
Fruits like oranges, black currant, cherries are full of nutrition and Vitamin C.
There are a lot of ways to cure gout, either by medicine, surgery or home remedies.
As for the best therapy, I recommend the harmless and effective home remedies.
Please pay a visit to my website on effective gout cure to discover more natural and simple way for gout treatment.
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