Hardship letters for loan modifications are one of the few requirements which you need if you want to avoid a foreclosure on your home or property. This is especially true if you can no longer get a refinance. A hardship letter is required from you since it will inform your lender the things which he needs to be knowledgeable about. Since there are many loan modification requests which are being denied, it is important to know how you can write a letter properly so that you do not get rejected.The important thing you must remember when writing your hardship letter is that it should depict your current financial dilemma which you are going through to your lending institution. In addition, you should also explain the reason why you require a modified loan. You must also let them see that through this loan modification program, you can repay your loan with them. But most of all, your lender should see that you are still determined to keep your home and it is on the top of your financial priorities.When writing your hardship letter, you must let your lender know the real story behind the downfall of your expenses. But at the same time, you should stick to just the basic facts. In addition, you should be brief and concise. It is more important to be sincere with your hardship letter than to write a piece which you intend to be a eye opener. However, the most important factor your letter should be is to be honest. You should let your lender know just how important it is for you to be able to keep your home as well as let them know that a loan modification is the only option left that you have so you can repay your loan.You have to remember though, there are a lot of other people who are applying for the loan modification program, especially with the current economic crisis. Your hardship letter should only be a few pages or even shorter. You must present a positive attitude with your letter as well as what your plan of action is so that you can get your finances back in control once again.Your hardship letters for loan modifications need to tell your lender that you are responsible and diligent. It is just unfortunate that you went through this tough financial problem which you are currently facing. Once your lender will find your letter serious and trustworthy, you just might save your home from getting foreclosed.