Hearing loss occurs for many reasons but no matter what the reason or cause is, proper hearing loss treatment is necessary. Hearing loss can cause the afflicted person to be depressed, lonely, dependent, and unconfident. Treatment may not completely bring the person's hearing back but it can make a lot of things easier for the afflicted person, particularly communication, social interaction, work and daily tasks. Here are the available hearing loss treatment options for you.
Reversible Hearing Loss Treatment:
There are different causes of reversible hearing loss and these causes determine the proper treatment. Though the causes vary, the treatment often ends up successfully. The following are the common causes and treatment for reversible hearing loss.
1. Ototoxic medicine consumption – your doctor may advise you to change or stop the medication
2. Infection of the ear – your doctor may advise you to take antibiotic although this can clear up on its own over time
3. Injury on the head or ears – your doctor may advise you to undergo surgery although this will also clear up on its own over time
4. Otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, or acoustic neuroma – the problem may be solved by surgery or medicine consumption
5. Hardened, impacted earwax – the best way to solve this is through wax removal
Permanent Hearing Loss Treatment
Hearing loss treatment optionsfor permanent hearing loss like those age-related and noise include:
1. Hearing aids for sound amplification – these devices do not have the ability to restore the person's sense of hearing. Nevertheless, they can help the person function and communicate more easily.
2. Alerting devices, communication aids, and assistive listening devices
Constant Hearing Loss Treatment:
Reversible hearing loss may be cured only after the cause of hearing loss has been dealt with. However, if there is no improvement after the cause has been addressed, you may need your doctor's help. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you need surgery or medication, depending on the reason behind your hearing loss. You just have to remember though that the chance to restore your hearing is very minimal especially if your doctor has diagnosed that your case is a case of permanent hearing loss. In this case, what you need is a constant treatment through hearing aids.
Here are some of the hearing aid devices available for constant hearing loss treatment:
1. Assistive listening devices – these hearing devices are used to make sounds louder through directing the sounds to the ears. A special type of device is used for every situation such as in one-on-one conversations, auditorium or classroom settings. Some of the most common assistive listening devices are telephone amplifiers, personal listening systems, and hearing aids directly attached to a microphone, television, radio, or stereo.
2. Alerting devices – as its name suggests, alerting devices are used to alert the user of a particular sound through vibrations, louder sounds, or lights.
3. Telephone-closed captioning – telephone-closed captioning devices are used to show subtitles or words at the bottom of the TV screen so that the user will be able to understand what he/she is watching.
4. Telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) – this is one of the most common hearing loss treatment devices as it allows a person to use the telephone without having to listen to the person on the other line but rather to read the messages shown on the TDD keyboard.
Reversible Hearing Loss Treatment:
There are different causes of reversible hearing loss and these causes determine the proper treatment. Though the causes vary, the treatment often ends up successfully. The following are the common causes and treatment for reversible hearing loss.
1. Ototoxic medicine consumption – your doctor may advise you to change or stop the medication
2. Infection of the ear – your doctor may advise you to take antibiotic although this can clear up on its own over time
3. Injury on the head or ears – your doctor may advise you to undergo surgery although this will also clear up on its own over time
4. Otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, or acoustic neuroma – the problem may be solved by surgery or medicine consumption
5. Hardened, impacted earwax – the best way to solve this is through wax removal
Permanent Hearing Loss Treatment
Hearing loss treatment optionsfor permanent hearing loss like those age-related and noise include:
1. Hearing aids for sound amplification – these devices do not have the ability to restore the person's sense of hearing. Nevertheless, they can help the person function and communicate more easily.
2. Alerting devices, communication aids, and assistive listening devices
Constant Hearing Loss Treatment:
Reversible hearing loss may be cured only after the cause of hearing loss has been dealt with. However, if there is no improvement after the cause has been addressed, you may need your doctor's help. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you need surgery or medication, depending on the reason behind your hearing loss. You just have to remember though that the chance to restore your hearing is very minimal especially if your doctor has diagnosed that your case is a case of permanent hearing loss. In this case, what you need is a constant treatment through hearing aids.
Here are some of the hearing aid devices available for constant hearing loss treatment:
1. Assistive listening devices – these hearing devices are used to make sounds louder through directing the sounds to the ears. A special type of device is used for every situation such as in one-on-one conversations, auditorium or classroom settings. Some of the most common assistive listening devices are telephone amplifiers, personal listening systems, and hearing aids directly attached to a microphone, television, radio, or stereo.
2. Alerting devices – as its name suggests, alerting devices are used to alert the user of a particular sound through vibrations, louder sounds, or lights.
3. Telephone-closed captioning – telephone-closed captioning devices are used to show subtitles or words at the bottom of the TV screen so that the user will be able to understand what he/she is watching.
4. Telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) – this is one of the most common hearing loss treatment devices as it allows a person to use the telephone without having to listen to the person on the other line but rather to read the messages shown on the TDD keyboard.