- Online games make reading comprehension more fun.computer image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.com
The popularity of online study games has sky rocketed and one of the best ways to get students engaged in an activity is to put a computer in front of them. Because reading comprehension can be so tedious, try a few online games to make the activity less daunting for your students. - Gamequarium has a fun, underwater background to make reading comprehension more fun.aquarium tropic poster image by robert mobley from Fotolia.com
Gamequarium.com is a site created specifically to help children improve study and reading skills they might be lacking. This is a great site because it is interactive and appealing to young minds becau
se of its underwater themes.
Readquarium, the link of the site dedicated to working on reading comprehension, is full of activities for practicing all aspects of reading comprehension. The skills are divided alphabetically and range from such topics as author's purpose and conflict resolution.
For each skill you direct your children to work on, there is a tip that pops up to give them a brief idea of what they are looking for and how to find it, followed by examples and multiple choice questions. - Kaboose.com is a fully interactive site for reading review games.lighted model caboose image by Tom Stewart from Fotolia.com
Kaboose.com is a fully interactive site that offers games for all aspects of reading and literature. This site is especially helpful because it categorizes the games by subject as well as age.
Kaboose.com offers more traditional games, such as hangman and word searches to help students brush up on their vocabulary. For more adventurous students, there are also warrior games that work on spelling.
For more traditional reading comprehension games, direct your students to solve mysteries by identifying sequence of events and characters.
Each game is accompanied with clear instructions, fun graphics, and even help from time to time. - Having to read from a textbook can make some students scream.little einstein 104 image by Paul Moore from Fotolia.com
Harcourt, the publishers of many school text books, has created an interactive website where students and teachers can browse books, topics, and play games. To try them out, visit Harcourtschool.com.
Collections is a link from the site where students are taken to various books published by the company. Here, students are directed to view various books, read selections, and answer questions pertaining to what they have read.
The site also contains glossaries, author and theme activities, as well as grammar skill games. Some of the games are free of charge while others require a flat fee of $9.75 for an entire school year.
Harcourt School Publishers