Heart disease is the cause of large number of deaths every year. Anyone in your family may have heart disease, your father, mother, cousin, uncle or aunty. Heart disease is major cause of disability. Heart diseases are a wider term for any kind of disability that affects your heart. It is also termed as cardio disease, unlike that of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease refers to disorder of blood vessels or heart whereas heart disease is regulated to only heart. There are many causes of heart disease like narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, blood vessel that supply blood to the heart which is called coronary artery disease; a major cause of heart attacks.With the strongly inherited predisposition of the disease, the risk can be cut off by adapting heart smart lifestyle. You can reduce risk of heart disease by controlling the factor that calls for a great risk. First and fore mostly, change your lifestyle to a heart friendly lifestyle; control your cholesterol and blood pressure, quit smoking, do daily exercise. Give your heart the best; pack your plate with nutritious and healthy food chocolates and wine are assumed to be a beneficial for heart. Chocolates and wine improves the blood circulation of heart. Maximum number of people find difficult to figure out what they should eat, here are some simple heart friendly diet chart which will help you live a quality life:
• Eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetable, grains and fibers
• Eat fish twice a week
• Manage intake of cholesterol, saturated fat and Trans fat. Make sure, only 30% of calories come from fat and a very little of it from saturated fat.
• Select 1% fat and low fat dairy products
• Control trans-fat by eliminating the partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
• Limit your salt intake
Along with the discussion on good and bad food for heart, it is important to take some key tips from well- renowned doctors for a healthy heart that will last lifetime. Cardiologist is the doctor with a special training, skill in finding and treating the disease of the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologists pursue extensive education, four years of medical school and undergo training in general internal medicine for about 3 year. After that cardiologist spend three or more years of specialize training where they are inculcated the knowledge of various heart disease, their diagnosis, medications and complications. That all completes a ten years of rigorous training and education. In order to become a certified cardiologist, doctors who have completed their 10 years of training in clinical and educational training one need to undergo two days of rigorous exam.
So after 10+2, eleven and half years of training are essential to become a cardiologist. One must hold the degree of MBBS- bachelors of medicine and bachelors of surgery, than 3 year MD. After this one must pursue 3 years DM cardiology to be a cardiologist. Leniency can reward furthermore severe problems, so if you face any heart related problem consult a cardiologist without any delay to spend healthy life.
• Eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetable, grains and fibers
• Eat fish twice a week
• Manage intake of cholesterol, saturated fat and Trans fat. Make sure, only 30% of calories come from fat and a very little of it from saturated fat.
• Select 1% fat and low fat dairy products
• Control trans-fat by eliminating the partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
• Limit your salt intake
Along with the discussion on good and bad food for heart, it is important to take some key tips from well- renowned doctors for a healthy heart that will last lifetime. Cardiologist is the doctor with a special training, skill in finding and treating the disease of the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologists pursue extensive education, four years of medical school and undergo training in general internal medicine for about 3 year. After that cardiologist spend three or more years of specialize training where they are inculcated the knowledge of various heart disease, their diagnosis, medications and complications. That all completes a ten years of rigorous training and education. In order to become a certified cardiologist, doctors who have completed their 10 years of training in clinical and educational training one need to undergo two days of rigorous exam.
So after 10+2, eleven and half years of training are essential to become a cardiologist. One must hold the degree of MBBS- bachelors of medicine and bachelors of surgery, than 3 year MD. After this one must pursue 3 years DM cardiology to be a cardiologist. Leniency can reward furthermore severe problems, so if you face any heart related problem consult a cardiologist without any delay to spend healthy life.