Health & Medical Anti Aging

Exercise Will Reverse Your Aging

My Premature Aging Shocked Me.
I was shocked to find a person of greater age breathing better than me.
We were doing the same work, and yet I was panting and he wasn't.
Having led a largely sedentary lifestyle since leaving school I should not have been so surprised.
I also noticed that several pairs of my pants were getting tighter around the waist.
At 72 I was getting what in polite circles is termed "the dreaded middle aged spread".
It was the breathing that really concerned me for I knew that poor breathing correlates with disease and ill-health.
Until now I had not experienced either.
More to Health than Eating Well Clearly there is more to health than eating well.
By wife Dr Jill Engelmann and I had long ago researched and written about the topic of healthy eating, and I knew I was eating fresh natural foods.
But now to exercise.
From the experience of researching on healthy food, I knew that we had a massive job sorting through the multitude of myths created as a byproduct of marketing.
As with our nutrition research I went back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
To verify my findings I turned to our hunter animals, lion and tiger.
These beasts of prey were skilled stalkers and sprinters who mostly fought and ate smaller unsuspecting prey.
When first light appeared both the hunter and the hunted woke to the certain knowledge that what was important was the speed of their reflexes and the speed of their initial burst that determined the capture or escape.
This gave me the clue that this is the way we should exercise, a burst of speed, followed by a recovery time.
Aging is About Declining Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Starting around 30 our production of HGH goes into decline.
This is aging.
Over thousands of years our body's metabolism has adapted to the demands we placed on it.
I knew that by gradually increasing the demands and given the correct diet my body would adjust to enormous demands.
It only gives up when we impose excessive challenges such as marathons.
Science has taught us that when we over stress the body we ignite the fires of inflammation.
This is why some seemingly healthy people suffer heart failure.
Moderate Intensity Exercise Reverses Loss of Brain Volume Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Illinois, Rice University and Ohio State in the US, confirmed that I was on the right track.
"We demonstrate that loss of hippocampal (brain) volume in late adulthood is not inevitable and can be reversed with moderate-intensity exercise," the team wrote, suggesting that a few laps around the track might be a particularly cost-effective way to treat a widespread health problem - without the side effects of medication.
I now also know that the right sort of exercise will affect our telomeres and result in the production of HGH.
My search had been motivated by the desire to slow down or at best halt the decline in the production of HGH.
I found that by employing a specific exercise strategy I could influence my telomeres so that I could actually increase the production of HGH.
You Cannot Reverse your Aging if you Remain Sedentary If we are sedentary our stem cells found in our bone marrow will get the signal and become fat cells.
This explains the massive damage done by prolonged periods of computer, T.
or video games.
The active person sends a different signal and will produce, for example bone cells.
The stem cells are making choices e.
fat cell or bone cell based on our behavior.
Thus Dr.
Rubin said "consider breaking up your workout into several sessions".
I Certainly Reversed my Premature Aging My approach has sharpened my thinking, my concentration, my alertness and produced a deeper sleep.
I understand why researchers reported in Science Daily that "exercise is the most powerful lifestyle choice any individual can make to improve their health".
We wrote about my journey to reverse my aging in our eBook I Can Reverse Aging http://icanreverseaging.
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