An attempt to save your relationship, even while a break up seems imminent, can be very fruitful. However, for your effort to yield the right results, you need to be aware of the right (and wrong) steps to get your girlfriend back, and be committed towards implementing your knowledge. Essentially, you need to come across as sensitive and rational to your girlfriend right now. If you can manage that, her negative outlook may just become a positive one, and it may not seem so difficult to revive your relationship.
1. You Have Been a Participator, Now Become an Observer and Thinker
If you have had a lot of fights (which is very likely if you are on the verge of a breakup), your pride and self-confidence may have taken a hit, and a lot of anger may be simmering. It is also likely that you are feeling misunderstood and as though you have been treated unfairly. Well, your girlfriend is probably feeling all these things too. It is no use for two people who are at the same time emotionally charged and emotionally vulnerable to try to work things out.
If you want to get your girlfriend back, you need to take a step back from your intense involvement in this relationship and think clearly. Rather than as a participant, try to look at things from the perspective of an observer. It is not easy, but you must try, in order to save your relationship. Once you do that, you may discover the real causes of the problems you are having, how both of you have contributed, and what is the right way forward.
2. 'It's all my fault'/ 'It's all her fault'
Here's a tip to start thinking clearly: discard the 'it's all my fault' notion or the 'it's all her fault' one. It never is, and that's just your emotions talking. Once you have formed certain thoughts and come to some conclusions, you need to discuss this with her as calmly as you have been thinking. If she can also reach that same calm wavelength as you, you may just have a highly productive conversation. That will be a huge step forward in your attempt to save your relationship.
3. Focus On What She Wants From You
When you are trying to get your girlfriend back, it is natural for you to think all the things you want from her: empathy, more respect, love, and a revived bond. The problem starts when you start acting only with reference to the things you want, and in the process ignore the things she wants from you. The right way is to be both perceptive and sensitive at this stage - does she want some space for herself? Is there something she wants to talk about? Would she like to spend quality time with you? These are questions it is up to your to answer. If you discover the right answer, and help her discover the side of you which is both sensitive and concerned, you will almost certainly be able to revive your relationship.
At the end of the day, there can be no guarantee that you will save your relationship, but with these steps you will be giving yourself the best chance.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.
1. You Have Been a Participator, Now Become an Observer and Thinker
If you have had a lot of fights (which is very likely if you are on the verge of a breakup), your pride and self-confidence may have taken a hit, and a lot of anger may be simmering. It is also likely that you are feeling misunderstood and as though you have been treated unfairly. Well, your girlfriend is probably feeling all these things too. It is no use for two people who are at the same time emotionally charged and emotionally vulnerable to try to work things out.
If you want to get your girlfriend back, you need to take a step back from your intense involvement in this relationship and think clearly. Rather than as a participant, try to look at things from the perspective of an observer. It is not easy, but you must try, in order to save your relationship. Once you do that, you may discover the real causes of the problems you are having, how both of you have contributed, and what is the right way forward.
2. 'It's all my fault'/ 'It's all her fault'
Here's a tip to start thinking clearly: discard the 'it's all my fault' notion or the 'it's all her fault' one. It never is, and that's just your emotions talking. Once you have formed certain thoughts and come to some conclusions, you need to discuss this with her as calmly as you have been thinking. If she can also reach that same calm wavelength as you, you may just have a highly productive conversation. That will be a huge step forward in your attempt to save your relationship.
3. Focus On What She Wants From You
When you are trying to get your girlfriend back, it is natural for you to think all the things you want from her: empathy, more respect, love, and a revived bond. The problem starts when you start acting only with reference to the things you want, and in the process ignore the things she wants from you. The right way is to be both perceptive and sensitive at this stage - does she want some space for herself? Is there something she wants to talk about? Would she like to spend quality time with you? These are questions it is up to your to answer. If you discover the right answer, and help her discover the side of you which is both sensitive and concerned, you will almost certainly be able to revive your relationship.
At the end of the day, there can be no guarantee that you will save your relationship, but with these steps you will be giving yourself the best chance.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.