Health & Medical Healthy Living

Pancreatitis Symptoms & Natural Remedies

    Pancreatitis Symptoms and Diagnosis

    • With acute pancreatitis there may be gradual or sudden pain in your abdomen which spreads to your back, as well as a swollen and tender abdomen. Other traits include: nausea, vomiting, fever and rapid pulse. Acute pancreatitis can be life-threatening, and can cause internal bleeding, organ failure and death. Chronic pancreatitis has similar symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss and oily stools. Doctors usually diagnose forms of pancreatitis by blood test, X-ray, ultrasound, and computer tomography, or CT scan.

    Herbs and Supplements for Pancreatitis

    • There are a wealth of herbs and supplements intended to help you soothe symptoms of chronic pancreatitis. Natural herbal remedies include B complex vitamins and lecithin to help metabolize fats, dandelion extract to stimulate production of bile, olive extract for its anti-inflammatory properties, garlic for its anti-oxidant qualities, and milk thistle to help detoxify the liver. Other natural remedies include lactobacillus acidophilus to encourage healthy intestinal bacteria, chromium to regulate blood sugar, and silica to aid in rebuilding of damaged tissue. Many people also turn to ayurvedic herbs for help with pancreatitis symptoms, with amalaki, haritaki and behada fruits a popular choice for cleansing and rebuilding tissue.
      Although many people report good results with these supplements, always discuss issues with your doctor before embarking on any vitamin regime, as they may interact negatively with prescription drugs.

    Pancreatitis Diet

    • A healthy, low-fat diet can do a lot to cut down on pancreatitis symptoms. Eat small quantities spaced throughout the day, rather than sitting down to three large meals. Replace the saturated fats in your diet with cold-pressed oils. Replace caffeine, alcohol and soda with fruit juices and water. Eat high-fiber foods like brown rice, and high-protein foods like chicken and fish. Seek out vegetables, berries, and tofu for the anti-oxidant properties. Fatty foods, spicy foods, and pre-packaged foods are out.

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