Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Benefits of Retinol Products in Anti Aging Skin Care

Retinol is a form of vitamin A which plays a vital role as an anti-oxidant.
It has become an increasingly popular ingredient in anti-aging skin care.
Retinol is a very pure source of Vitamin A and is useful in protecting the health of your eye sight as well as your skin and bones.
Retinol is known to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which helps create firmer, smoother skin.
There are a host of retinol derived goods available on the market today such as retinol serum, lotions, creams and capsules.
These products are all widely available in health and beauty stores or they can be easily purchased online.
Let us focus on retinol serum.
Serums can be a great choice of retinol product for many people as serums tend to penetrate the skin more efficiently than a cream does.
Serums can be applied once per day in the evening.
This aids in clearing the fine lines on your face, improves your skin's collagen production that assists in anti aging, clears acne blemishes and even removes blackheads.
As with the first use of any skin care product you should always use a small amount behind your ear to make sure there is no irritations or redness.
Lotions can be used as an everyday moisturizer but it has the added anti aging benefits.
It can be used any time your skin is feeling dry or dehydrated and particularly after a shower or bath.
Creams can used used as part of your every day skin care regime, apply the cream once per day in the evening.
They are a thicker consistency than the lotions but they're not as oily as a serum.
Capsules are yet another way to supercharge your skin tone.
Rather than taking the capsule orally, they can be opened up with the contents of the capsule mixed into another skin care cream that you are using.
These capsules include some chemicals that are known to erase wrinkles and bring a new glow to the skin within a short span of usage.
If you believe that your lips need a full look, you may pick retinol lip products.
In this fashion you can ex-foliate, unclog the pores and guard your collagen levels by utilizing retinol based products.
One last word of caution though, retinol has been known to increase one's sensitivity to the sun.
Be sure that when using these products that you include the use of a sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 for when you go outdoors.
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