Until now, professional-quality microdermabrasion treatments cost up to $200.
00 each.
Over the counter products now let you do it yourself at home and save! Crystal-bonded applicators use the same aluminum oxide crystals as expensive medical-grade machines stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, just like a professional treatment - for comparable results at an affordable price! HOW IT WORKS Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Aluminum oxide crystals, the hardest and best for microdermabrasion, are applied under high pressure with a medical-grade device by trained doctors and aestheticians.
Exfoliating Machines and Creams: Cream-based formulae are often applied with a "free" motorized device to appear more effective.
But cream reduces abrasion, so stimulation of collagen and elastin is negligible.
Home Microdermabrasion: Medical-grade aluminum oxide crystals applied directly to the skin stimulate production of elastin and collagen just like a professional treatment.
EFFECTIVENESS Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Most effective removal of dead, damaged skin cells.
Stimulates production of elastin and collagen to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, etc.
, but too costly to do regularly.
Exfoliating Machines and Creams: Exfoliation of superficial dead skin cells may produce a temporary glowing effect with daily use.
Minimal stimulation of skin or impact on wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars or other blemishes.
Home Microdermabrasion: Removes dead and damaged skin cells, which strengthens and thickens skin just like professional treatments, reducing acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.
EASE OF USE Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Requires regular appointments and travel to a doctor's office or spa.
Skin needs time to heal after treatment, so should only be done periodically.
Exfoliating Machines and Creams: Must be used almost every day for as much as 10-15 minutes.
Minimal affect on skin after treatment.
Home Microdermabrasion: Do it yourself right at home.
Skin needs a brief time to heal afterwards, just like a doctor's treatment.
Use every two weeks, NOT every day.
COST Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Up to $200 per treatment Exfoliating Machines and Creams: $39.
95 - $129.
95 Home Microdermabrasion: $79.
95 6 Applications COST FOR 90 DAYS Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Up to $1,200 or more.
Regular treatments cost thousands! Exfoliating Machines and Creams: $100 - $300.
00; $3 to $5 a day Home Microdermabrasion: $79.
95; Less than $1 a day * Microdermabrasion requires appropriate skin care afterwards to help heal and protect your new skin, including the custom-designed moisturizers, hydrating lotions and sun screens.
00 each.
Over the counter products now let you do it yourself at home and save! Crystal-bonded applicators use the same aluminum oxide crystals as expensive medical-grade machines stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, just like a professional treatment - for comparable results at an affordable price! HOW IT WORKS Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Aluminum oxide crystals, the hardest and best for microdermabrasion, are applied under high pressure with a medical-grade device by trained doctors and aestheticians.
Exfoliating Machines and Creams: Cream-based formulae are often applied with a "free" motorized device to appear more effective.
But cream reduces abrasion, so stimulation of collagen and elastin is negligible.
Home Microdermabrasion: Medical-grade aluminum oxide crystals applied directly to the skin stimulate production of elastin and collagen just like a professional treatment.
EFFECTIVENESS Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Most effective removal of dead, damaged skin cells.
Stimulates production of elastin and collagen to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, etc.
, but too costly to do regularly.
Exfoliating Machines and Creams: Exfoliation of superficial dead skin cells may produce a temporary glowing effect with daily use.
Minimal stimulation of skin or impact on wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars or other blemishes.
Home Microdermabrasion: Removes dead and damaged skin cells, which strengthens and thickens skin just like professional treatments, reducing acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes.
EASE OF USE Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Requires regular appointments and travel to a doctor's office or spa.
Skin needs time to heal after treatment, so should only be done periodically.
Exfoliating Machines and Creams: Must be used almost every day for as much as 10-15 minutes.
Minimal affect on skin after treatment.
Home Microdermabrasion: Do it yourself right at home.
Skin needs a brief time to heal afterwards, just like a doctor's treatment.
Use every two weeks, NOT every day.
COST Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Up to $200 per treatment Exfoliating Machines and Creams: $39.
95 - $129.
95 Home Microdermabrasion: $79.
95 6 Applications COST FOR 90 DAYS Microdermabrasion at a doctor's office or spa: Up to $1,200 or more.
Regular treatments cost thousands! Exfoliating Machines and Creams: $100 - $300.
00; $3 to $5 a day Home Microdermabrasion: $79.
95; Less than $1 a day * Microdermabrasion requires appropriate skin care afterwards to help heal and protect your new skin, including the custom-designed moisturizers, hydrating lotions and sun screens.