Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Breathe Easier - Stay Away From an Antihistamine

It used to be that all you had to do to keep your respiratory system in good health was to not smoke - or if you were a tobacco smoker to "quit smoking" or at least cut down.
Not so in 2010.
Your respiration system and easy breathing are a lot more complex task of maintenance and health and medical concern.
First and foremost most people take good breathing for granted.
However this is simply not the case for millions and millions of people worldwide who suffer from chronic sinusitis, Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases (C.
and C.
) and a host of other diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract system.
Usually if not always it is a case of not appreciating what you take for granted - that is until you are chronically short of breath and thus are affected with exercise tolerance issues.
How do these problems of shortness of breath all begin - and what do they have in common? It seems that elasticity and fluidity of the respiratory breathing tracts and system are the basic keystones.
If mucous it is much too thick and vacuous - the ultimate case being with those afflicted with Cystic Fibrosis, blocked airways and concurrent difficulty and difficulties in breathing and shortness of breath are sure to be the end result.
Simply put, thick mucous creates airways that are slow and blocked in places.
It is simply hard for you to breathe throw smaller occluded breathing passages.
It is analogous to stepping onto a garden hose.
Simply by stepping on a garden hose and slightly decreasing its radius you greatly impede the flow of fluids - or in this case air flow and rates of vital nourishing air flow to your lungs and your body.
What to do? Rather than drying those mucous secretions with an over the counter anti-histamine it is overall better to accelerate the healing process by thinning those mucous like secretions.
Antihistamines can be seen to be a quick fix - which may not be a good strategy to improve your breathing at all or in any manner or form.
Overall it is best to consider a formula for your health and breathing that work to help thin mucous secretions & soothe inflamed mucous membranes.
All in all you will breathe easier, more efficiently and more effectively and overall enjoy better health, vitality and exercise tolerance and tolerances.
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