Buying a life insurance policy is not at all a hard thing to do. All you will have to do is to call a life insurance agent or a broker, go through all the available plans and choose the one that you think is going to yield the best return. If you are still insurable, whatever is the rate, you are sure to receive the coverage. However if you want a cheap life insurance that provides a large coverage, you will not only have to be choosy about the plan, but also be careful about certain aspects of your life. Life insurance rates depend upon many factors; it is important to be aware of them.
To a large extent, the rates depend on the type of policy you choose. If you want the coverage at affordable rate, opt for term life insurance. Because these are pure life insurance policies and do not offer anything other than death benefit, the entire amount you pay as premium can be utilized to develop the face value of the policy; consequently, you can receive a large benefit at a low rate. In contrast, the cash value policies use a part of the premium to develop the cash value and so you naturally have to pay at a higher rate to get the same amount of death benefit.
Don't worry about the fact that term life is sold only for a stipulated period. Be thankful that the policy allows you to choose the tenure according to your need and pay for the vulnerable years only. This is another reason why the policy is so cheap. Since very few people actually die premature, in more than 99% of the cases, these policies expire without having to make any payout and so it is possible for the carriers to provide the coverage at a cheaper rate.
However, just buying term life is not enough. The term life insurance no medical policies are very expensive and so be aware what type of term life you buy. Moreover, because term life policies are only death benefit and that death benefit is paid only if the insured dies within the term, the age, health and lifestyle condition of the insured as well as the coverage term is important too.
To be sure, anything that can have any effect on your longevity must be kept under control if you want to buy the policy at reasonable rate. Indeed, if you want to know more, try online for instant term life insurance quotes. Such quotes always come free; therefore do not hesitate to get multiple quotes. Contrarily, receiving multiple quotes for the same policy is mandatory if you want the rates to be affordable. Try putting in various inputs into the different fields to understand how the quotes can differ under different condition.
Let us have a look at various fields on the quote form and see how they can affect the overall price structure of the policy:
•   Age – Since younger people have greater chance of outliving the term, they get the coverage at lower rate. So buy the coverage while you are still in your thirties.
•   Gender – The rates are cheaper for women because they have longer lifespan than men have.
•   Height & Weight – Obese people have greater possibility of contacting diseases; therefore, they are charged at higher rate.
•   Health plan – There are four health plans each with different rates. Use online guides to find your plan before you select one
•   Tobacco Use – People using tobacco in any form are likely to develop many terminal diseases and so even if they are healthy now, they will have to pay at a higher rate. The amount tobacco intake is also important.
Quit tobacco intake for a year at least before you can expect to get the coverage at affordable rate. Other than these, coverage term, coverage amount and premium payment mode are three other factors which are also important. If you compare the quotes side-by-side, you will realize how drastically the quotes can change with change of these inputs.
Receiving life insurance quote on line has so many advantages. You can have an idea about the policy prices and you can simultaneously compare quotes without having to bother anyone. However, if you want to receive the coverage at cheap rates, be prepared to appear for the medical test. The no exam policies are convenient for the insured; but they are also riskier for the carriers because under this plan, the coverage is based only on partial underwriting. As mentioned earlier, buying cheap life insurance policy that offers adequate coverage is not easy.
To a large extent, the rates depend on the type of policy you choose. If you want the coverage at affordable rate, opt for term life insurance. Because these are pure life insurance policies and do not offer anything other than death benefit, the entire amount you pay as premium can be utilized to develop the face value of the policy; consequently, you can receive a large benefit at a low rate. In contrast, the cash value policies use a part of the premium to develop the cash value and so you naturally have to pay at a higher rate to get the same amount of death benefit.
Don't worry about the fact that term life is sold only for a stipulated period. Be thankful that the policy allows you to choose the tenure according to your need and pay for the vulnerable years only. This is another reason why the policy is so cheap. Since very few people actually die premature, in more than 99% of the cases, these policies expire without having to make any payout and so it is possible for the carriers to provide the coverage at a cheaper rate.
However, just buying term life is not enough. The term life insurance no medical policies are very expensive and so be aware what type of term life you buy. Moreover, because term life policies are only death benefit and that death benefit is paid only if the insured dies within the term, the age, health and lifestyle condition of the insured as well as the coverage term is important too.
To be sure, anything that can have any effect on your longevity must be kept under control if you want to buy the policy at reasonable rate. Indeed, if you want to know more, try online for instant term life insurance quotes. Such quotes always come free; therefore do not hesitate to get multiple quotes. Contrarily, receiving multiple quotes for the same policy is mandatory if you want the rates to be affordable. Try putting in various inputs into the different fields to understand how the quotes can differ under different condition.
Let us have a look at various fields on the quote form and see how they can affect the overall price structure of the policy:
•   Age – Since younger people have greater chance of outliving the term, they get the coverage at lower rate. So buy the coverage while you are still in your thirties.
•   Gender – The rates are cheaper for women because they have longer lifespan than men have.
•   Height & Weight – Obese people have greater possibility of contacting diseases; therefore, they are charged at higher rate.
•   Health plan – There are four health plans each with different rates. Use online guides to find your plan before you select one
•   Tobacco Use – People using tobacco in any form are likely to develop many terminal diseases and so even if they are healthy now, they will have to pay at a higher rate. The amount tobacco intake is also important.
Quit tobacco intake for a year at least before you can expect to get the coverage at affordable rate. Other than these, coverage term, coverage amount and premium payment mode are three other factors which are also important. If you compare the quotes side-by-side, you will realize how drastically the quotes can change with change of these inputs.
Receiving life insurance quote on line has so many advantages. You can have an idea about the policy prices and you can simultaneously compare quotes without having to bother anyone. However, if you want to receive the coverage at cheap rates, be prepared to appear for the medical test. The no exam policies are convenient for the insured; but they are also riskier for the carriers because under this plan, the coverage is based only on partial underwriting. As mentioned earlier, buying cheap life insurance policy that offers adequate coverage is not easy.