Insurance Insurance

Special Types of Insurance

When people think of different kinds of insurance, what are the first few that come to their mind? Medical insurance, car insurance, and home owners insurance.
These are ones that people deal with all of the time, and they are pretty popular, but there are often other kinds of insurance that aren't as popular, but that are good to know about.
I am going to explore some of these options, and give you some insight after to what they are for, and some tips about them.
One of the first kinds is commercial truck insurance.
If you drive a commercial truck, or if your company owns a lot of commercial trucks, then it is definitely important for you to have truck insurance.
Some popular auto insurance companies do carry truck insurance, but not all of them, so you may have to get a specialty kind of insurance.
Since big trucks like this can cause bigger accidents and possibly more damages and injuries, that is why special insurance is needed.
Definitely compare companies to get better rates.
Also, if your commercial truck is only being used off of the main roads like on a farm, then you can get cheaper insurance since there are less possibilities for accidents.
Another type of insurance that is uncommon is import car insurance.
If you import a car, then you'll need to get a special kind of insurance for it.
Since these cars usually have different types of performance, and are exotic, they open themselves up to thieves a lot more.
If you invest in some safety devices for your imported car, then the insurance company will possibly reduce your import car premiums.
Lastly, a non-auto insurance that isn't as possible is tenant insurance.
If you are renting somewhere, the owner of the house is not required to insure any of your property.
They will insure the actual structure, but anything inside that is not their is usually not insured.
You'll want to get tenants insurance in order to protect all of your stuff in case something happens like a fire or such.
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