Health & Medical Healthy Living

Oriental Massage Technique

    Tui Na

    • Tui Na is a Chinese medicinal massage technique that translates to the English words "push pull." Tu Na uses hand massage paired with stretching to promote blood circulation and communication between the brain and muscles. Acupoints, also called pressure points, are used to balance the inner spirit, Qi, and the blood throughout the body. Joint pain, back issues and other skeletal issues are said to be cured by the Tui Na technique. Tui Na is recommended every three to six weeks depending on the severity of your need. No oil is used.


    • Shiatsu massage is another form of therapy, this time from Japan. Shiatsu means "finger pressure," and since the fingers are used to apply pressure on specific points throughout the body, Shiatsu is also considered an acupressure practice. Like Tui Na, Shiatsu is concerned with balance in the body, promoting Qi or chi to heal health issues. Qi is believed to be the power behind life. Shiatsu is performed during a one- or two-hour period, where specific areas are worked over in a traditional order that promotes blood flow and chi. During a Shiatsu massage, you are asked to lie face down while your practitioner works on problem areas. Stretching is often involved during a long massage. Do not seek out Shiatsu if you are pregnant, have heart disease or are prone to blood clots. No oil is used.

    Ayurvedic Massage

    • The tradition of Aruyvedic massage comes from the Aruyvedic medicinal traditions. Aruyvedic massage has been practiced since the first century B.C. and was practiced by the common public, as well as specialists in clinics. Today, practitioners can be found in the streets of India performing massages for money. Aruyvedic massage oils are used in this practice as a way to heal skin, provide nutrients to wanting pores and to ease the friction of the massage. Sesame seed oil is mixed with other oils, depending on the sex of the massage recipient. Some oils are used for specific ailments, such as chamomile for muscle pains.

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