In this post I want to talk to you about how hiring music marketing companies can be a great idea for your music career, if you can get together a little bit of a budget.
Now Im not saying that doing music marketing on you own is a bad thing, and if you have ever read my blog you will now that I post up information every day about how to get new fans with sneaky marketing methods.
The only problem is that it all takes so much time and I see a lot of so called bands spending four hours a day spamming the Internet about their crappy music, when if they just gave a little bit of time to writing songs all their marketing efforts would be easier because they would have something good to promote! Sorry rant over ;-)
So lets say you can convince the rest of your band to pay $100 each a month to hire a company to get you some press.
First you would have to make sure that you are working with one of the good music marketing companies, because there are a lot of scammers out there. But at that point you would be in a great position of not having to try and juggle all your marketing and songwriting. You could just focus on the music.
I recommend that you do you own music marketing for a year so that you know how it works and can still offers ideas. But once you hire a music PR person you get all your marketing done in a fraction of the time.
And if they are any good the new fans and music sales will start to pay their fee in a few months.
Final thought.
I hope you go something from this article. I had to get this off my chest because its something that I think people should be thinking about rather than blinding spending hours and hours everyday friending people on myspace.
I sometimes find it helps to sit back and say if I put my whole marketing system in the bin how could I rebuild it to work better?
Good luck.
Now Im not saying that doing music marketing on you own is a bad thing, and if you have ever read my blog you will now that I post up information every day about how to get new fans with sneaky marketing methods.
The only problem is that it all takes so much time and I see a lot of so called bands spending four hours a day spamming the Internet about their crappy music, when if they just gave a little bit of time to writing songs all their marketing efforts would be easier because they would have something good to promote! Sorry rant over ;-)
So lets say you can convince the rest of your band to pay $100 each a month to hire a company to get you some press.
First you would have to make sure that you are working with one of the good music marketing companies, because there are a lot of scammers out there. But at that point you would be in a great position of not having to try and juggle all your marketing and songwriting. You could just focus on the music.
I recommend that you do you own music marketing for a year so that you know how it works and can still offers ideas. But once you hire a music PR person you get all your marketing done in a fraction of the time.
And if they are any good the new fans and music sales will start to pay their fee in a few months.
Final thought.
I hope you go something from this article. I had to get this off my chest because its something that I think people should be thinking about rather than blinding spending hours and hours everyday friending people on myspace.
I sometimes find it helps to sit back and say if I put my whole marketing system in the bin how could I rebuild it to work better?
Good luck.