Home & Garden Tools Renting

The Interesting Thing About Lithium Batteries

The interesting thing about batteries is that you can make one out of a potato.
Or a tomato.
Or even a lemon or lime.
In fact, any liquid or moist object thathas enough ions to be electrically conductive can serve as the electrolyte for acell (see Wikipedia.
Basically, you just need to insert two electrodes madeof different metals into the moist object and a chemical reaction occurswhen the two metals react via the moist cell, aka: potato.
Cool, huh? Of course,this type of "battery" is of no real practical use except to maybe power a smallclock for a very short amount of time.
A battery is basically stored chemical energy that is converted to usableelectricity when the battery terminals are connected via some material that willtransfer(conduct) and allow the two metals to chemically react.
Like Nickel andCadmium in a NiCad battery.
Basically, the amount of energy you get (volts) isdetermined by how much "chemical reaction" you will get between the two metals.
It is for this reason that Lithium batteries are the "latest and greatest" thingsince powdered milk.
Lithium is a highly reactive alkali metal.
Lithium will literally react if leftout in open, moist air.
Combining with the hydrogen in the water molecules inthe air it will turn from a whitish metal to a black tarnish before your veryeyes.
That is why when lithium is stored in it's pure state, in is stored under oilto keep it from reacting.
Lithium is also highly flammable, so if it is alreadyburning, throwing water on it will only make it burn more.
Lithium metal needs to be dousedwith special chemicals to put out the flames.
Lithium is also the lightestweight metal (number 3 on the Periodic Table of elements).
Those two features,light weight and lots of potential energy, make Lithium a great metal to use in abattery.
Lithium's highly reactive feature is also a downside in the battery makingindustry.
Lithium batteries in computers have "ignited" because of their highreactivity.
Dell Computers recently had a massive laptop battery recall (thisvery computer I am typing on was affected).
Lithium batteries give off a lot ofheat and have been known to self-combust.
The recall cost the industry megabucksbut Lithium's advantages far outweigh it's disadvantages and Lithium celltechnology is advancing at a rapid pace.
"In an interview with BusinessWeek onFeb.
16, Chief Executive Katsuaki Watanabe confirmed that Toyota'sthird-generation hybrid cars, due out in late 2008 or early 2009, will uselithium-ion batteries.
Lighter and more powerful than the current nickel metalhydride packs, the new batteries will help make for more fuel-efficient hybrids..
"We can develop the battery in time," he says.
"We are now aiming atreducing, by half, both size and cost of the third-generation hybrid system,"says Watanabe.
" For most people using batteries, the life of the battery is the mostimportant aspect.
How long will it last before I have to recharge/replace it?Basically, disposable batteries, lose from 10-20 percent of their originalcharge every year, more if stored at extremely high temperatures (battery lifecan be extended by storing them in a cool place).
So the batteries that you buyat the Dollar Store will not necessarily last that long; always check themanufacturers date on the batteries that you are looking to purchase.
Rechargeable batteries self-discharge more rapidly than disposable batteries- up to three percent per day.
This rate can decrease in extreme temperatures sokeep this in mind if you store your rechargeable, battery-operated powertools/flashlights in your garage.
Rechargeable batteries also degrade throughuse.
Low capacity Nickel Metal Hydride(NiMH) and Nickel Cadmium(NiCad)rechargeable batteries for example can be charged for approximately 1000 cyclesbefore pooping out on you.
Typically a longer, slower charge (overnight) willresult in a longer battery lifespan.
There is also what's called the "memory effect" with regards to batteries.
Memory effect happens in NiCad and NiMH batteries when crystals build up on theelectrodes and decrease the active surface area that gets charged (wikipedia.
com) .
This happens when batteries do not get fully discharged beforethey are recharged.
NiCad batteries should always be fully discharged beforethey are recharged because they suffer more from "memory effect" than NiMH so.
The advantage of using Lithium Ion batteries is that like a young dog, they donot have a "memory effect".
Charge them whenever you want and they will alwaysbe fully charged, ready to run.
To summarize the three most commonly used PowerTool Batteries in order of performance: 3.
: -performs the worst in cold temperatures -has theshortest run time -highest self-discharge level -lighter in weight thanNiCad 2.
-performs in cold temperatures to 20F -lowerself-discharge rate than NiMH -has a lower self-discharge level than NiMH -heavier in weight -suffer the worst from "memory effect" if not fullydischarged before charging.
Lithium Ion:
-lightest in weight -perform well intemperatures as low as zero degrees Fahrenheit -have the highest amount of life cycles -lowestself-discharge rate -have a more rapid charge time -do not suffer from thedreaded "memory effect" **BUT: permanent damage can occur to LiIon batteriesif stored at too-low discharge level, so be careful and keep these charged well.
Also, They start degrading as soon as they leave the factory.
Be sure to check the manufacturers date on the batteries before youpurchase.
::PLEASE RECYCLE YOUR BATTERIES:: "Since their development over 250 yearsago, [[batteries]] have remained among the most expensive energy sources, andtheir manufacturing consumes many valuable resources and often involveshazardous chemicals.
For this reason most areas now have battery recyclingservices available to recover some of the more toxic (and sometimes valuable)materials from used batteries.
Batteries may be harmful or fatal if swallowed.
It is also important to prevent dangerous elements found in some batteries, suchas ead, mercury, cadmium, from entering the environment.
" -wikipedia.
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