- The American Medical Association (AMA) Seed Grant Research Program provides up to $2,500 in funding to medical students and physician residents who attend an accredited U.S. medical institution or school. Recipients can use the award to conduct applied, clinical or basic science research projects. Applicants do not need to be AMA members to apply for the award. Application for funding is available in September of each calendar year; recipients are announced in March.
- American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) Medical Student Research Initiation Grant provides $4,000 to medical students attending an accredited medical school in the U.S. or Canada. Recipients take part in a two- to three-month laboratory or clinical-based research project that focuses on anal, colon or rectal diseases. Applicants must submit a research proposal, a letter of support from their research mentor, a letter of recommendation from a member of the ASCRS and biographical information.
- The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Research Medical Student Grant provides $3,000 in matching funds to a medical student who is a member of RSNA, and is studying radiologic medicine full-time at an accredited medical school in North America. The applicant's institution must sponsor the applicant by matching the $3,000 scholarship award. Applicants must have a faculty supervisor, and submit a research proposal, abstract, biography, research plan, budget, and letters of support as part of the application package. Applications are due by Feb. 1 of each calendar year.
- The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)/ Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) Medical Student Research Grant (MSRG) provides $2,400 in funding for medical students to conduct research in the area of emergency medicine. Applicants must have institutional support to conduct research, and demonstrate that they have access to the institutional facilities needed to complete the research project. Applications are evaluated based on applicant's educational experience, project quality and scientific value, and relevance to the MSRG program goals. Applications are due by Jan. 5 of each calendar year.
American Medical Association: Seed Grant Research Program
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons: Medical Student Research Initiation Grant
Radiological Society of North America: Research Medical Student Grant
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine: Medical Student Research Grant