While it might seem basic, a competitive game of paintball can't be played without opposing teams. While it's typically pretty easy to choose teams, there are some different ways to go about it.
To create two evenly matched teams, have everyone pair up with another player who is roughly at their skill level. Once everyone is matched up, divide into two teams with comparable players on opposite teams.
Picking Teams
The simplest way to create teams is to pick them. Choose two team captains and let them take turns picking people until everyone is on a team. While this way works well, nobody really likes to be last picked.Self-Dividing Teams
People generally know how good they are at paintball and how well their friends are.To create two evenly matched teams, have everyone pair up with another player who is roughly at their skill level. Once everyone is matched up, divide into two teams with comparable players on opposite teams.
Leave it to Luck
Count how many people are in your group and put a paintball in a hat for each person. Half of the paintballs should be one color and half should be the other. Let everyone take out a paintball and whichever color you choose is the team you are on.