Your health is your wealth. By that same token, your health insurance policy should be given as much consideration (if not more) as when you're making a major investment in stock and the like. Here are a few things that will put you on the right footing.
1) What is covered by this insurance policy? It pays to know what each policy really covers. There's really no room for guessing here. It can be really painful to realize that an important aspect wasn't covered when you make a claim. Don't be shy to ask an expert. Your doctor is certainly the best expert to advice you on which policy to choose.
2) Now comes the next big one: Which insurance company do you choose? Well, there are many key factors to take into consideration when selecting an insurance company...
a) The price/value offered by an insurance company. If you've already decided the best health insurance policy for you, all you have to do is find out if you have the best price. Health insurance quotes sites will help you get the best price for similar policies.
b) Do you have a preference for a particular doctor? Then make sure the company you choose will let you use such a doctor. Do you have a preference for a particular hospital or facility? Then make sure it is covered by your insurance company. Ask your agent before paying. Don't feel obligated because you've obtained a quote from them. Health insurance quotes are obligation-free.
c) To further ensure you have not picked an insurance company that will disappear tomorrow or one that will give you a hard time when it's time to make good their promise, ask your doctor. After all, since doctors have to be paid by these insurance companies, they are in a better position to tell you the bad ones.
1) What is covered by this insurance policy? It pays to know what each policy really covers. There's really no room for guessing here. It can be really painful to realize that an important aspect wasn't covered when you make a claim. Don't be shy to ask an expert. Your doctor is certainly the best expert to advice you on which policy to choose.
2) Now comes the next big one: Which insurance company do you choose? Well, there are many key factors to take into consideration when selecting an insurance company...
a) The price/value offered by an insurance company. If you've already decided the best health insurance policy for you, all you have to do is find out if you have the best price. Health insurance quotes sites will help you get the best price for similar policies.
b) Do you have a preference for a particular doctor? Then make sure the company you choose will let you use such a doctor. Do you have a preference for a particular hospital or facility? Then make sure it is covered by your insurance company. Ask your agent before paying. Don't feel obligated because you've obtained a quote from them. Health insurance quotes are obligation-free.
c) To further ensure you have not picked an insurance company that will disappear tomorrow or one that will give you a hard time when it's time to make good their promise, ask your doctor. After all, since doctors have to be paid by these insurance companies, they are in a better position to tell you the bad ones.