divorce rates are staggering.
With an estimated 41% of all first marriages reportedly ending in divorce, it's no wonder more and more adults are waiting longer to stroll down the aisle of wedded bliss.
But does waiting really make a difference? The short answer is "No.
" Anyone who's witnessed the demise of a marriage can tell you--maturity has a funny way of disappearing when the going gets tough.
So how do you keep from becoming a statistic? While there are no guarantees, I've found it helps to remember these three things: 1).
Marriage is the ultimate sack race.
You're going to fall down once or twice in the process.
Regardless of what the cheering squad is yelling in your direction, "Easy" isn't an adjective that applies.
The statistic you probably didn't hear before you got married is that 100% of marriages have difficulties.
The key to success is learning how to move forward together.
Don't point fingers.
For every finger you point at your spouse, there are three pointing back at you.
There are no winners in the blame game--ever.
That's right, EVER.
On the road of holy matrimony, blame is a dead end street.
Don't be afraid to spare some Change.
There's a reason people are afraid of change--change requires action.
Understanding there is a problem in your marriage is a great first step.
Unfortunately, just understanding a problem exists doesn't resolve it.
You have to find the courage to take action if you really want to defy the statistics.
divorce rates are staggering.
With an estimated 41% of all first marriages reportedly ending in divorce, it's no wonder more and more adults are waiting longer to stroll down the aisle of wedded bliss.
But does waiting really make a difference? The short answer is "No.
" Anyone who's witnessed the demise of a marriage can tell you--maturity has a funny way of disappearing when the going gets tough.
So how do you keep from becoming a statistic? While there are no guarantees, I've found it helps to remember these three things: 1).
Marriage is the ultimate sack race.
You're going to fall down once or twice in the process.
Regardless of what the cheering squad is yelling in your direction, "Easy" isn't an adjective that applies.
The statistic you probably didn't hear before you got married is that 100% of marriages have difficulties.
The key to success is learning how to move forward together.
Don't point fingers.
For every finger you point at your spouse, there are three pointing back at you.
There are no winners in the blame game--ever.
That's right, EVER.
On the road of holy matrimony, blame is a dead end street.
Don't be afraid to spare some Change.
There's a reason people are afraid of change--change requires action.
Understanding there is a problem in your marriage is a great first step.
Unfortunately, just understanding a problem exists doesn't resolve it.
You have to find the courage to take action if you really want to defy the statistics.