- 1). Investigate any complaints that the public has given toward a specific gas station. The complaints may vary, but alarming complaints would be ones where the consumer notices non-functioning pumps, leaky pumps, or odors from gas stations. These complaints usually are given to the state's consumer protection board.
- 2). Assign field inspectors to random or targeted gas stations across a geographic area. The field inspectors should be sent to gas stations that have been publicly complained or stations at random. The random strategy is seen in the state of Colorado's Division of Oil and Public Safety. The idea is to have random checks at all gas stations to make sure gas station owners are complying with state and federal laws.
- 3). Pump diesel gas from a gas station in a portable gasoline holder. You will need to bring this diesel gas to a laboratory later for chemical investigations. Notice the price and gallon amount you are pumping. Make note of this later.
- 4). Weigh the portable gas holder on a scale. Take into account the weight of the portable gas holder and subtract that amount from the weight of the diesel gas. Any discrepancy in weight may indicate the pump is not pumping the accurate amount of gas to the consumer.
- 5). Compare the weight of the diesel gas to the actual price. If you paid more for the smaller amount of diesel gas pumped, then the pump is overpricing the consumer.
- 6). Test the diesel standards of the gas collected. Diesel must be tested according to the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials, or ASTM. The ASTM creates the scientific and regulatory levels of certain commercial materials, such as gasoline.
- 7). Investigate how the diesel gas reacts to temperatures. Temperature testing outlines the grade of the diesel gas to make sure it is chemically stable. For example, diesel gas quality #1 should be non-combustible up to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit at room temperature and 550.4 degrees Fahrenheit when distilled for car utilization. If the gas does not survive these levels, then there could be physical problems with the gas pump, which is lowering the quality of the diesel gas.