If you work from home or just happen to spend a lot of time in your home, then your kitchen can very quickly become your worst enemy.
Often times, people snack not necessarily because they are hungry but because they are bored or emotional.
Recently, my boyfriend and I attended a Super Bowl party at a close friend's house.
She and her husband had set out a bunch of snacks on the table and the game went on and we were chit chatting, I found myself hovering with the rest of them by the snack table.
Eventually, something clicked in my head, and I totally stepped away from the table.
I wasn't eating because I was famished.
Rather, I was eating out of convenience.
Sure the snacks were delicious, but they were also readily available..
as in they were right there at my fingertips.
I made myself a promise to only put a specific amount of food on my plate and walk away.
If you are in a situation like the one mentioned above, it is often incredibly easy to succumb and wind up eating more than you really need to or eating things that are unhealthy for you.
My boyfriend and I knew that there would probably be really unhealthy snacks and food at my friend's house; therefore, when we offered to bring a food item, we chose a snack that was healthy.
Not wanting to be rude, when we arrived at the house, we tried small samplings of the other food that was available, but we didn't overdo it.
In doing this, we managed NOT to offend my friend and her husband while at the same time not overeating or making ourselves feel bad about consuming too much food.
Snacking is often the number one downfall in most Americans.
Because it is quick and tasty, no one sees the harm in doing is several times throughout the course of the day.
However, it is one thing to snack on things that are healthy for you and quite another thing to snack on things that will only affect your waistline in a negative light.
If you do the research, you will find that even having a few bites of piece of fudge multiplied by whatever other little bites that you have throughout the day such as: potato chips, french fries, candy, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, burger, etc...
All of it adds up, and I guarantee that you will not like what you see.
If you know that bad snacking is a bad problem for yo u, then nip it in the bud by throwing away all of the unhealthy food and beverage items that are in your home.
Really deliberate when you go to the supermarket.
Make a list of healthy food items ahead of time, shop alone, and when you step foot in the supermarket, stick to the outer edges.
The outer edges are where you'll find the healthier, fresh produce such as your fruits and veggies, meats, poultry and dairy.
Often times, people snack not necessarily because they are hungry but because they are bored or emotional.
Recently, my boyfriend and I attended a Super Bowl party at a close friend's house.
She and her husband had set out a bunch of snacks on the table and the game went on and we were chit chatting, I found myself hovering with the rest of them by the snack table.
Eventually, something clicked in my head, and I totally stepped away from the table.
I wasn't eating because I was famished.
Rather, I was eating out of convenience.
Sure the snacks were delicious, but they were also readily available..
as in they were right there at my fingertips.
I made myself a promise to only put a specific amount of food on my plate and walk away.
If you are in a situation like the one mentioned above, it is often incredibly easy to succumb and wind up eating more than you really need to or eating things that are unhealthy for you.
My boyfriend and I knew that there would probably be really unhealthy snacks and food at my friend's house; therefore, when we offered to bring a food item, we chose a snack that was healthy.
Not wanting to be rude, when we arrived at the house, we tried small samplings of the other food that was available, but we didn't overdo it.
In doing this, we managed NOT to offend my friend and her husband while at the same time not overeating or making ourselves feel bad about consuming too much food.
Snacking is often the number one downfall in most Americans.
Because it is quick and tasty, no one sees the harm in doing is several times throughout the course of the day.
However, it is one thing to snack on things that are healthy for you and quite another thing to snack on things that will only affect your waistline in a negative light.
If you do the research, you will find that even having a few bites of piece of fudge multiplied by whatever other little bites that you have throughout the day such as: potato chips, french fries, candy, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, burger, etc...
All of it adds up, and I guarantee that you will not like what you see.
If you know that bad snacking is a bad problem for yo u, then nip it in the bud by throwing away all of the unhealthy food and beverage items that are in your home.
Really deliberate when you go to the supermarket.
Make a list of healthy food items ahead of time, shop alone, and when you step foot in the supermarket, stick to the outer edges.
The outer edges are where you'll find the healthier, fresh produce such as your fruits and veggies, meats, poultry and dairy.