Family & Relationships Sex Realted

How to Turn On a Woman - 3 Outside the Box Ideas on How to Make a Woman Want You

When most guys think about turning on a woman, they immediately think about physical things. They think about touching a woman a certain way, they think about sex, and all of these things can and do work to turn on a woman. But, if you are only focused on physical ways of turning on a woman, you are missing the boat.

Women get more turned on by their emotions than any touch that you can give, any sex position, or anything else in the physical realm of things. And the reason why so many guys kind of fall "short" in the bedroom has more to do with their failure to turn on a woman emotionally than it does in any other form.

Now, don't go thinking that you have to get into some crazy new age mindset and sit around and talk about the way that she feels. That's not what really gets her going. It's about YOU being the source of certain emotions for her. When you have that going for you, you can turn on a woman pretty easily.

Here are 3 outside the box ideas on how to turn on a woman and make her want you:

1. Learn to be "primal" in the way that you woo a woman.

What do I mean by this? Well, while every other guy is out there trying out the latest line that they heard, you should be focused on learning how to use more instinctual things like your body language, the way that you move, and the way that you look at a woman. Doing this, you can easily end up light years ahead of most guys in terms of making women want to be intimate with you.

2. Talk to her in a way that creates certain urges in her.

When you speak to guys, the emphasis tends to be more on the facts. Like, when you are describing a good time, you kind of tell your boys what you did, who was there, etc. When speaking to a woman, you want to create a vivid picture in her mind and focus on telling her how things made you feel. You will get a lot further in conversation with a woman to build up certain urges when you focus on using words and phrases that evoke emotions and paint a picture.

3. Present yourself as the alpha male and don't lose that status in her eyes.

When you present yourself as an alpha male, and you carry off that image without losing that status in a woman's eyes, it can be a very powerful way to make her want you. The way that women are "wired" is to be attracted and pay attention to alpha males, the real kind, and when you can make women see you in that way... you can have her wanting you.
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