For generations we have looked up to women like Margaret
Mead, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony as role
models to inspire us to ride the equal rights movement by the
horns and never look back. Weve proudly marched for the
ability to vote, burned our bras, and petitioned for our
rights, all in defiance of society standards. But is it at the
expense of our sexuality?
Many American women still are ashamed of their bodies,
begging their lovers to turn off the lights before their trysts,
and staying tightly entwined like cocoons in the bed sheets
afterward. Why is it that we are more ashamed of our bodies
as we grow more confident in our intelligence? And more
importantly, who will be the role models to inspire us to
embrace our inner sexual self? Who will give us the confidence
to take the sexual high road, strip for our lovers, and
shine naked in the limelight?
Porn stars.
Adult film actresses are unabashedly unashamed of their
bodies, showcasing them to millions of viewers and relishing
every minute of it. They embrace their sexuality instead of
shunning it. And they exude a carnal confidence that no man
can resist. What are their secrets to not only keeping their
Naked Ambition
> <
cool, but also increasing their confidence, as each layer of
clothing falls to the floor? How do they bring their lovers to
new levels of excitement each day and night without falling
into a mediocre lights-out, missionary position rut?
Porn stars know the tips, rules, and how-tos on sex because
sex is their job, their career, and their livelihood. More
importantly, they have the trade secrets of great, mindblowing
sex because this job is evaluated by millions of viewers
daily. That kind of performance anxiety may crack corporate
America, but these performing artists relish the attention and
have become sex experts because of it. []
Mead, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony as role
models to inspire us to ride the equal rights movement by the
horns and never look back. Weve proudly marched for the
ability to vote, burned our bras, and petitioned for our
rights, all in defiance of society standards. But is it at the
expense of our sexuality?
Many American women still are ashamed of their bodies,
begging their lovers to turn off the lights before their trysts,
and staying tightly entwined like cocoons in the bed sheets
afterward. Why is it that we are more ashamed of our bodies
as we grow more confident in our intelligence? And more
importantly, who will be the role models to inspire us to
embrace our inner sexual self? Who will give us the confidence
to take the sexual high road, strip for our lovers, and
shine naked in the limelight?
Porn stars.
Adult film actresses are unabashedly unashamed of their
bodies, showcasing them to millions of viewers and relishing
every minute of it. They embrace their sexuality instead of
shunning it. And they exude a carnal confidence that no man
can resist. What are their secrets to not only keeping their
Naked Ambition
> <
cool, but also increasing their confidence, as each layer of
clothing falls to the floor? How do they bring their lovers to
new levels of excitement each day and night without falling
into a mediocre lights-out, missionary position rut?
Porn stars know the tips, rules, and how-tos on sex because
sex is their job, their career, and their livelihood. More
importantly, they have the trade secrets of great, mindblowing
sex because this job is evaluated by millions of viewers
daily. That kind of performance anxiety may crack corporate
America, but these performing artists relish the attention and
have become sex experts because of it. []