Many new or experienced drivers ask this question all the time: Is car insurance mandatory?Unfortunately, the government law has stepped into this equation, and the answer is yes, as a driver you are responsible for any damage or injury that occurs with your vehicle.
The government started this car insurance requirement way back in the late 1920's.
State laws vary by what is considered adequate coverage.
In fact, there are some places that require little or no car insurance, but who get's left holding the bag when an unexpected collision occurs?You never know when an accident is going to leave you in a harried predicament.
Maybe you feel happy and safe in knowing that you are a good driver and you are sure that you will never harm anything with your own car.
But the law says you must be held accountable and that is why having insurance is mandatory in most locations.
Now, before you get all upset and nervous about having insurance, there are better ways to handle this - insurance does not have to be a big burden.
You can actually find insurance at a decent cost even if you are an inexperienced or slightly unlucky driver.
Nobody is saying that you have to buy an insurance policy that covers every type of possible accident scenario.
No, in fact, there are simple policies you can buy that have minimal coverage yet keep you within the guidelines of your local law books.
This is generally called the State Minimum insurance.
Meaning, you can opt out of special coverage for broken windshields or grocery carts that fly into your car while you are parked at the shopping center, etc.
and still drive with confidence.
If you think about this for just a few minutes, you'll no doubt realize that being an insured motorist is a necessity, not a trivial matter.
Okay, bottom line here is that no matter where you live, having car insurance is probably required by law.
If it isn't required now, you can bet it will be in the future.
Can you afford to shell out 50 to 100 thousand dollars for a simple accident with minor injuries?That's a serious chunk of change - why not let your car insurance coverage foot the bill while you remain a dedicated policy holder and stay free of violating the law?All you have to do is buy some insurance after you get a round of free insurance quotes.
Car insurance companies work different ways with their payments.
Some policies may be attractive for those who want a low down payment, while other policies may have significant savings when the motorist buys and pays for three months in advance.
You make the call, but get your quotes, and don't wait another day to get covered.
The government started this car insurance requirement way back in the late 1920's.
State laws vary by what is considered adequate coverage.
In fact, there are some places that require little or no car insurance, but who get's left holding the bag when an unexpected collision occurs?You never know when an accident is going to leave you in a harried predicament.
Maybe you feel happy and safe in knowing that you are a good driver and you are sure that you will never harm anything with your own car.
But the law says you must be held accountable and that is why having insurance is mandatory in most locations.
Now, before you get all upset and nervous about having insurance, there are better ways to handle this - insurance does not have to be a big burden.
You can actually find insurance at a decent cost even if you are an inexperienced or slightly unlucky driver.
Nobody is saying that you have to buy an insurance policy that covers every type of possible accident scenario.
No, in fact, there are simple policies you can buy that have minimal coverage yet keep you within the guidelines of your local law books.
This is generally called the State Minimum insurance.
Meaning, you can opt out of special coverage for broken windshields or grocery carts that fly into your car while you are parked at the shopping center, etc.
and still drive with confidence.
If you think about this for just a few minutes, you'll no doubt realize that being an insured motorist is a necessity, not a trivial matter.
Okay, bottom line here is that no matter where you live, having car insurance is probably required by law.
If it isn't required now, you can bet it will be in the future.
Can you afford to shell out 50 to 100 thousand dollars for a simple accident with minor injuries?That's a serious chunk of change - why not let your car insurance coverage foot the bill while you remain a dedicated policy holder and stay free of violating the law?All you have to do is buy some insurance after you get a round of free insurance quotes.
Car insurance companies work different ways with their payments.
Some policies may be attractive for those who want a low down payment, while other policies may have significant savings when the motorist buys and pays for three months in advance.
You make the call, but get your quotes, and don't wait another day to get covered.