- 1
Draw a circle the approximate size you want the head of your anime character to be. The top may be left open, as this area will be covered with hair. - 2
Extend the circle downward on the bottom for the chin, from one side of the jaw area to the other. This can be pointed, or slightly rounded. - 3
Sketch in a set of crossed lines to guide you in the placement of your anime’s facial features. The vertical line should follow the curve of the left side of the head, and the horizontal line should be drawn approximately one third to one half of the way up from the chin, depending upon how much hair you want to add. Add neck lines if desired, just to the left of the chin and to the far right of the jawline. - 4
Draw the eyes along the horizontal guideline. Anime eyes typically take the shape of a rectangle with slightly rounded sides. The iris can be large, or the pupil can dominate almost the entire eye, with small white circles to indicate light reflecting on the eye. - 5). Draw a curved or slightly pointed line for the nose, beginning the top of the line at about the level of the bottom of the eyes. Add a nostril dot if desired.
- 6
Draw the mouth. This may be a simple line, or for an open mouth it could be a curved line with a half circle attached to the bottom. You can also add a smaller line just under the mouth to indicate the chin contour if desired. - 7). Draw hair on your anime person. This could be soft and flowing, or spiked and wild. Add ponytails or hair accessories—be creative!
- 8). Use an eraser to get rid of the guidelines and clean up any smudges, then color your anime face using watercolors, colored pencils or ink.