- 1). List all of the charges that you do not recognize on your credit card statement. Record the dates and transaction reference numbers as well as the names, addresses and phone numbers of merchants.
- 2). Ask all of your family members who have access to your card account if they made the charges. Check your own receipts and recent activities, as well, to ensure that the charges are unauthorized.
- 3). Contact the merchant listed directly to inquire about the source of the charge. This will help you confirm that it's unauthorized. In some cases, your merchant may have changed the business name, address or the amount of a recurring charge, which is why you do not recognize the information listed on your statement.
- 4). Call your credit card company with the information about each unauthorized charge, if the merchant is unwilling to resolve the issue directly. Explain that you do not recognize the charges and would like to open a dispute. In some cases, you may complete this task online.
- 5). Provide the exact reason for your dispute---that you did not authorize the transaction. Provide any proof requested by the credit card company, such as documentation that you are not located in the town where the transaction was processed. The credit card company may send you a dispute form to fill out and return via mail or fax, along with any additional documents.
- 6). Wait for a decision from your credit card company after compleing and sending your dispute paperwork. It could take several weeks before you receive communication via mail or email regarding the situation. In some cases, the credit card company will issue a temporary credit to your account as you await a decision.