Don't put all your eggs in one basket - It's a saying that everyone has heard before and most people follow.
So if that statement is correct, then why wouldn't a "domaineer" or domain investor diversify his/her domain portfolio? If you want a maximum return on your investment then you need diversification.
If you have not heard or read about the newest domain extension (.
co) then its time to start your homework.
The CO extension is the official extension for Columbia - however are you worried about targeting traffic? No need to! Google has already announced that it will treat CO domains similar to the COM king.
You are able to target selected audiences in order to obtain traffic.
I have been using a CO domain for months and it is ranking well in Google.
CO has been extremely marketed and people are starting to accept this extension and even start using it.
There are currently over 600,000 registered CO domains.
Does that tell you something? Well it should - This domain extension is less than a year old and has been receiving tons of exposure.
I GUARANTEE you that you use ONE if not more than one of these sites daily - twitter, overstock, and godaddy ALL use CO domains.
Overstock has already begun airing commercials with their.
co domain.
Not only is it shorter than a COM but it is so easy to remember! How can someone forget about.
co when everyone use com religiously.
It is also the shortest domain extension.
Still skeptical? Good - That's exactly what I wanted to convey in this article.
Being skeptical and unsure is what makes this domain even more profitable.
There will be people who say CO is garbage and a waste of money - yet there have been a number of CO domain sales greater than $10,000.
One CO domain already sold for $50K.
If you wanted to invest in something concrete with accurate results then you would not make any more from it.
I am a strong believer in this newest domain extension and can see it skyrocketing in the years to come.
Just about every 3 and 4 letter CO domain has been taken - and the same can be said about one worded keywords.
There is still time left to register a great CO domain.
If you are interested in reading more about this extension or for free CO domains that are no yet registered then I ask you to please check out my CO BLOG
So if that statement is correct, then why wouldn't a "domaineer" or domain investor diversify his/her domain portfolio? If you want a maximum return on your investment then you need diversification.
If you have not heard or read about the newest domain extension (.
co) then its time to start your homework.
The CO extension is the official extension for Columbia - however are you worried about targeting traffic? No need to! Google has already announced that it will treat CO domains similar to the COM king.
You are able to target selected audiences in order to obtain traffic.
I have been using a CO domain for months and it is ranking well in Google.
CO has been extremely marketed and people are starting to accept this extension and even start using it.
There are currently over 600,000 registered CO domains.
Does that tell you something? Well it should - This domain extension is less than a year old and has been receiving tons of exposure.
I GUARANTEE you that you use ONE if not more than one of these sites daily - twitter, overstock, and godaddy ALL use CO domains.
Overstock has already begun airing commercials with their.
co domain.
Not only is it shorter than a COM but it is so easy to remember! How can someone forget about.
co when everyone use com religiously.
It is also the shortest domain extension.
Still skeptical? Good - That's exactly what I wanted to convey in this article.
Being skeptical and unsure is what makes this domain even more profitable.
There will be people who say CO is garbage and a waste of money - yet there have been a number of CO domain sales greater than $10,000.
One CO domain already sold for $50K.
If you wanted to invest in something concrete with accurate results then you would not make any more from it.
I am a strong believer in this newest domain extension and can see it skyrocketing in the years to come.
Just about every 3 and 4 letter CO domain has been taken - and the same can be said about one worded keywords.
There is still time left to register a great CO domain.
If you are interested in reading more about this extension or for free CO domains that are no yet registered then I ask you to please check out my CO BLOG