Once you begin marketing online, you will quickly find out that you need to attract the best prospects to your website in order to be successful.
The big question is "how do you pull this off? The first step is to think about what your prospects are doing on the Internet, after all this is where you are going to make the first contact with them.
Have you come up with an answer yet? If not, let me help you...
Most of your prospects are using the Internet as a research tool.
They are looking for and consuming useful information about their interest online, which I assume, is your niche market.
And because you want to attract these people to your website it would be smart that you are the one providing this information to them.
Let me give you an example, you have a product that you want to market to first time homebuyers online, it's a book that helps this group of people successfully buy their house at a substantial savings.
You are looking for a way to attract this group of people to your website so that they can learn more about your book and eventually purchase it.
The best and most effective way to bring this group back to your website is to give them helpful and useful information that they are searching for using the Internet.
You can do this by creating and distributing content in the form of short articles across the internet, at the end of the article you would have a link back to your website.
This is a highly effective way to attract the best prospects to your website for two reasons.
The first one is that because you are providing information, a lot of "online real estate" will want your content to use on their website.
The result of these websites picking up your content is that you will have a bigger distribution network to reach your target market.
And the second reason content marketing is highly effective is due to the fact that your target market is able to learn from you first, only the serious prospects will want to visit your website.
(The group most likely to become buyers)
The big question is "how do you pull this off? The first step is to think about what your prospects are doing on the Internet, after all this is where you are going to make the first contact with them.
Have you come up with an answer yet? If not, let me help you...
Most of your prospects are using the Internet as a research tool.
They are looking for and consuming useful information about their interest online, which I assume, is your niche market.
And because you want to attract these people to your website it would be smart that you are the one providing this information to them.
Let me give you an example, you have a product that you want to market to first time homebuyers online, it's a book that helps this group of people successfully buy their house at a substantial savings.
You are looking for a way to attract this group of people to your website so that they can learn more about your book and eventually purchase it.
The best and most effective way to bring this group back to your website is to give them helpful and useful information that they are searching for using the Internet.
You can do this by creating and distributing content in the form of short articles across the internet, at the end of the article you would have a link back to your website.
This is a highly effective way to attract the best prospects to your website for two reasons.
The first one is that because you are providing information, a lot of "online real estate" will want your content to use on their website.
The result of these websites picking up your content is that you will have a bigger distribution network to reach your target market.
And the second reason content marketing is highly effective is due to the fact that your target market is able to learn from you first, only the serious prospects will want to visit your website.
(The group most likely to become buyers)