Home & Garden Gardening

Gardening Tips - Gladiolas

You want to read and learn about all things related to plants and gardens? If that is the case, then you are in the right place to get information about gardening tips.
Individuals who love gardening should give a the following gardening tips a try.
If you're planting gladiolas this year, be sure to try the following: o Plant gladiolus corms when the soil is warm enough to plant.
The best season to plant them in your garden is spring season.
o Make sure to plant only plump, clean corms.
Check for the best sizes too as smaller corms may produce a smaller flower or just leaves and no flower at all.
Toss any that don't look right or feel soft or crumbly.
o Plant the corms on an area that receives maximum sunlight.
Full sun is best, however, if you cannot get away from a partial shade, your gladiolas will still grow.
o While planting the corms make sure it is three to five inches deep and four to six inches apart.
o Cover the place with mulch lightly around glads, or between rows, to prevent growing of weeds.
o The stems of the glads are very weak.
They are prone to break in the wind.
When blooming begins, hill the soil about six inches up around the stem to help support the heavy flower growth.
You can even fasten it to a stake to keep them perky and tall.
o Water once and let the spring rains do the rest.
If dry conditions prevail water occasionally along with the rest of the garden.
o You will start seeing fresh blooms within three months or a bit more after planting the corms.
Make sure the glad aren't shaded by other plants or weeds.
Mulch all varieties to maintain moisture and to conserve water.
o Gladiolas are prey to pest insects and are susceptible to a number of diseases as well.
To get rid of these problems, watch for aphids and trips which suck sap from leaves, stems and flowers.
If found, spray with insecticidal soap or other natural pest control.
Glad's are host to several virus diseases.
o If the plants are infected just pull them of the soil and destroy them as there is no cure once plants are infected.
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