Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

How To Choose The Best Mediclaim Insurance?

In a scenario of high cost of living today, it is living hand to mouth for your needs of loaf, clothes and shelter, hence not to talk of any additional expenditure you may have to incur due to any eventualities. Still the fact is that circumstances do continue cropping in and making future uncertain to face very many financial stringencies. Some of the financial requirements may be just unavoidable. One of them is undeniably one's healthcare needs. You never know when a medical emergency may arise and you are to cope up with the financial needs. The expenses can run into several lakhs of rupees in certain cases. Here insurance compensation can cover most of your expenditure on wide range of emergencies like individual's heart attack, brain hemorrhage, broken limb, burn, psychiatry etc., which may offer a good financial security in an hour of need.

Therefore, while going for a health insurance, one has to have a deep comparative study of terms, conditions, claim settlement process, and particularly one's individual and family requirements. Thorough study of respective company's terms and conditions will give you a broad idea of some companies offering you better facilities on individual and group policies, others may be giving you better compensation and still others may be giving you cashless and other claim settlements and other attractive offers.

Whereas it is your prerogative to opt for any health insurance policy yet it is one of the choicest options to go in for a Mediclaim policy. This single most insurance policy satisfies almost all your insurance needs. A resume about the Mediclaim policy given below will, I am sure, surely meet your requirements:

a) Cashless facilities in thousands of empanelled of empanelled outlets all over India, whereby the bill is settled between the hospital and the insurance company. But where treatment is taken in non-empanelled hospital, the reimbursement claim is approved to the agreed extent between the insurer and the insured, and the insurer has to pay only the amount over and above agreed amount.
b) Mediclaim health policy gives you the facility of protecting you and your family by providing you a single policy, giving you attractive benefits like daily cash allowance, day care treatment, ambulance charges, etc. medical insurance cover and personal accident advantages. Above all inclusion of family members earn you 10% rebate in premium.
c) You can avail of income tax rebate of Rs.15,000/- per annum under section 80D of income tax act
d) Free health check-up is made available
e) Full-life renewal cover is given
d) In hospital, you get almost all normal facilities and procedures to cover the treatment towards room, burns, ambulance, broken limbs, hearth problem, brain problem, psychiatry, surgeon's fees, surgery, etc - depending on the terms and conditions agreed upon in your policy cover
e) Full help is provided by the insurance company to settle your claims, hassle free & efficiently.

Noteworthy Points
As a matter of rules, the mediclaim policy is available only if the hospitalization is more than for 24 hours, though exceptions may be made in certain circumstances, which your advisor can guide at the time of getting the policy.

Never forget to renew your policy in time within the stipulated period; otherwise you lose all the benefits accruing from the policy.
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