Current affairs are not merely the occurrence of events or incidents, but the study, analysis and then the representation of the affairs in front of the general mass. They reach us through various mediums like newspapers, radio, magazines, television, internet etc. there is a large network of mass media spread throughout the world which brings in information from every corner of the world and shares it on a global level. The quick and easy accessibility of information depicts the efficiency of mass media with the help of technologically advanced tools. It covers information from every sector, economy, business, political, science and technology etc. This exchange of information on a global basis for the welfare of the entire world has brought the countries much closer and promises a peaceful world.
In a multi-cultural country like India, it is very important to pay attention to people from all classes, castes and social groups. Every day, something or the other occurs in each state of India. Mass media has played an important role in tracking the activities of each state and voicing the opinion of the surprised classes. Mass media is an autonomous network of people, who serve for the country and bring us information from every corner of the world. They work on professional lines and are not swayed by emotions. Their efforts have turned fruitful for many people, while it has unveiled the true side of some.
On a global basis, current affairs have become a common link that connects the entire world together. It has broken the lines of privacy between the countries. Today, the countries are much more inter-dependant on each other. They demand support from their allies and their neighbouring countries. For example, if one country is deteriorating economically, all the countries who share business with that country will get affected. This could be seen when an earthquake hit Japan recently. It not only devastated the country, but also ruptured the growth of many countries which were involved with it, it also included India. When the earthquake hit Japan, the news was spread throughout the world in a matter of few minutes. It helped all the surrounding inhabitants to vacate immediately and the other prone countries to take necessary precautions. Many countries extended their support for the victims.
Current affairs 2011 have become a medium to communicate among various countries of the world. It is the voice of the supreme powers of the country and at the same time the voice of the poor farmers in India. In brings in information from all fields like economy, science, politics etc. from all parts of the world.
In a multi-cultural country like India, it is very important to pay attention to people from all classes, castes and social groups. Every day, something or the other occurs in each state of India. Mass media has played an important role in tracking the activities of each state and voicing the opinion of the surprised classes. Mass media is an autonomous network of people, who serve for the country and bring us information from every corner of the world. They work on professional lines and are not swayed by emotions. Their efforts have turned fruitful for many people, while it has unveiled the true side of some.
On a global basis, current affairs have become a common link that connects the entire world together. It has broken the lines of privacy between the countries. Today, the countries are much more inter-dependant on each other. They demand support from their allies and their neighbouring countries. For example, if one country is deteriorating economically, all the countries who share business with that country will get affected. This could be seen when an earthquake hit Japan recently. It not only devastated the country, but also ruptured the growth of many countries which were involved with it, it also included India. When the earthquake hit Japan, the news was spread throughout the world in a matter of few minutes. It helped all the surrounding inhabitants to vacate immediately and the other prone countries to take necessary precautions. Many countries extended their support for the victims.
Current affairs 2011 have become a medium to communicate among various countries of the world. It is the voice of the supreme powers of the country and at the same time the voice of the poor farmers in India. In brings in information from all fields like economy, science, politics etc. from all parts of the world.