Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Mutual Fund Alternatives - Get Better Gains With Low Risk As Stockmarkets Fall

As oil prices climb economic growth slows and stocks become volatile.
Add in problems in the Middle East and the terrorist threat and the outlook for your mutual funds could be very bleak.
So what mutual fund alternatives are there that can produce strong gains with low downside risk? A great investment is Costa Rica land its been trending up for years and providing investors with solid gains way in excess of mutual funds but more importantly its been doing it with lower risk.
Land investment in Costa Rica is cheap and easy to do and offers you the following o10 years of solid growth oLow downside volatility oIts tax efficient oIts liquid and easy to buy and sell What gains can you expect? This depends on location but many investors are achieving 30% annual gains and some are making even 100% or more.
Why the Costa Rica land boom will continue The fact is many of the problems that are causing trouble in the US, are boosting land values in Costa Rica.
Americans are buying in record numbers to get property that's 70% cheaper than in the US and a better standard of living.
The baby boomer generation is buying into Costa Rica and investing record amounts.
This is causing a building boom and buying prime land is a solid low risk investment.
Try this investment and you could make far better gains than your asset manager, with this mutual fund alternative with far less risk.
Low risk and high returns not dependent on stocks If you have never considered land as a mutual fund alternative investment then you should as it is the ideal high return low risk investment to provide solid growth regardless of what the stock market does.
Check out the facts and decide for yourself.
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