Most people hop out of bed in the morning and grab a coffee often sweetened and thickened with cream then look around the kitchen for more sweetness, figuring thats the energy boost they need to start the day.
Unfortunately, for most of us, that craving for sweet doesnt leave much room for vegetables.
Why arent we thinking vegetables instead? Perhaps its the stress of consuming five or more servings a day what everyone from our doctors to the governments food guidelines recommend! Or maybe its the thought of the after-effects of eating so many vegetables.
But there is a way of getting all the benefits from vegetables without feeling we have to pack a picnic basket full, or being afraid some of the harder-to-digest vegetables will have our guts in an uproar.
The answer is juicing.
Juicing vegetables will help you meet your five-a-day or more serving requirement in a highly efficient manner. At the same time, juicing will allow your body to absorb all the nutrients you need from your vegetables.
Think of juicing as the process of pre-digesting your food for you.
And thats a good thing, since most of us have a dysfunctional digestive system from years of bad diet. As a result, our system passes most of the nutrients as waste.
Which is really a waste of good nutrients! With juicing, the process optimizes your bodys ability to absorb nutrients. Which means you have more energy right from the get-go, and its easy on your digestive system.
For you carb cravers, meeting the five-a-day or more rule is very important. In fact, its recommended that you consume about one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight each and every day.
Now thats one big stack of vegetables! Since munching on vegetables all day can get pretty boring, youll appreciate juicing.
One of the benefits is that you can choose from a wider variety of vegetables, because you wont have to worry about whether you can digest them.
You can even juice vegetables you wouldnt normally find pleasing to your palate, because mixed with several other varieties, youre able to create your own flavours.
Juicing is all about raw foods, but it does not have to mean no cooked foods. Juicing simply encourages including as much raw food as possible, because these foods have so many more nutrients and enzymes than their cooked counterparts.
For example, vegetables have been found to contain 77% more B6, 86% more vitamin E and up to 40% more zinc than cooked vegetables. The fresh juice of plants is very much like the juice of our own cells.
The essential elements that may be lacking in your bodys cells particularly the live enzymes, bioactive vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and other unknown factors can be easily absorbed through daily fresh green juices.
Raw greens are the basics of natures medicines as well. When an animal is ill, it nibbles on green grass and weeds, or fasts, depending on its instincts.
These animals have no medication and no doctors, but they inherently know what will make them well.
The same rule governs humans. Simply adding fresh green juices to your existing diet has a great effect on a variety of illnesses. Humans die from more than 250 known diseases, while grass-eating wild animals usually die of only five to 10 diseases.
The reason, scientists say, is the level of fresh, naturally grown food in the diet.
I cant stress enough how keeping your menu to liquids - green juices! - in the morning is an excellent way to aid your bodys natural repair cycles.
Since our bodies are usually far too acidic, this is a good way to help flush out all the bad things and replace them with the good ones we need.
Just as blood is the key to our survival as humans, so are the properties in juices the key to survival for plants. And if it is so important to them, juices are equally as important to us!
By ingesting the enzymes, alkaline, minerals and vitamins found naturally occurring in plants, we are able to bring ourselves back to the balance found before processed foods and fast food slowed our digestive system.
Heres what I DO and RECOMMEND:
Take 1 to 2 8-ounce servings of fresh vegetable green juice during your fasting day (once a week or every day). Juice kale, cucumber, celery and a bit of apple.
The most important addition to your green drink is blue-green or green algae like spirulina, chlorella and wild blue green algae. They all help to correct blood sugar imbalance because theyre rich in minerals and easily absorbable protein.
They renew cells and can reverse the degenerative aging process, helping to rebuild the tissues of the liver, the nervous system, the brain and every other part of the body.
And to get you started, heres one of my favourite recipes, Juice Morning Magic.
Juice Morning Magic
1 cup cucumber juice
1 cup celery juice
1 cup Kale Juice
Juice 1 apple
small piece of ginger
Optional: add sunflower Sprouts
Juice all ingredients in a juicer and enjoy.
Unfortunately, for most of us, that craving for sweet doesnt leave much room for vegetables.
Why arent we thinking vegetables instead? Perhaps its the stress of consuming five or more servings a day what everyone from our doctors to the governments food guidelines recommend! Or maybe its the thought of the after-effects of eating so many vegetables.
But there is a way of getting all the benefits from vegetables without feeling we have to pack a picnic basket full, or being afraid some of the harder-to-digest vegetables will have our guts in an uproar.
The answer is juicing.
Juicing vegetables will help you meet your five-a-day or more serving requirement in a highly efficient manner. At the same time, juicing will allow your body to absorb all the nutrients you need from your vegetables.
Think of juicing as the process of pre-digesting your food for you.
And thats a good thing, since most of us have a dysfunctional digestive system from years of bad diet. As a result, our system passes most of the nutrients as waste.
Which is really a waste of good nutrients! With juicing, the process optimizes your bodys ability to absorb nutrients. Which means you have more energy right from the get-go, and its easy on your digestive system.
For you carb cravers, meeting the five-a-day or more rule is very important. In fact, its recommended that you consume about one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight each and every day.
Now thats one big stack of vegetables! Since munching on vegetables all day can get pretty boring, youll appreciate juicing.
One of the benefits is that you can choose from a wider variety of vegetables, because you wont have to worry about whether you can digest them.
You can even juice vegetables you wouldnt normally find pleasing to your palate, because mixed with several other varieties, youre able to create your own flavours.
Juicing is all about raw foods, but it does not have to mean no cooked foods. Juicing simply encourages including as much raw food as possible, because these foods have so many more nutrients and enzymes than their cooked counterparts.
For example, vegetables have been found to contain 77% more B6, 86% more vitamin E and up to 40% more zinc than cooked vegetables. The fresh juice of plants is very much like the juice of our own cells.
The essential elements that may be lacking in your bodys cells particularly the live enzymes, bioactive vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and other unknown factors can be easily absorbed through daily fresh green juices.
Raw greens are the basics of natures medicines as well. When an animal is ill, it nibbles on green grass and weeds, or fasts, depending on its instincts.
These animals have no medication and no doctors, but they inherently know what will make them well.
The same rule governs humans. Simply adding fresh green juices to your existing diet has a great effect on a variety of illnesses. Humans die from more than 250 known diseases, while grass-eating wild animals usually die of only five to 10 diseases.
The reason, scientists say, is the level of fresh, naturally grown food in the diet.
I cant stress enough how keeping your menu to liquids - green juices! - in the morning is an excellent way to aid your bodys natural repair cycles.
Since our bodies are usually far too acidic, this is a good way to help flush out all the bad things and replace them with the good ones we need.
Just as blood is the key to our survival as humans, so are the properties in juices the key to survival for plants. And if it is so important to them, juices are equally as important to us!
By ingesting the enzymes, alkaline, minerals and vitamins found naturally occurring in plants, we are able to bring ourselves back to the balance found before processed foods and fast food slowed our digestive system.
Heres what I DO and RECOMMEND:
Take 1 to 2 8-ounce servings of fresh vegetable green juice during your fasting day (once a week or every day). Juice kale, cucumber, celery and a bit of apple.
The most important addition to your green drink is blue-green or green algae like spirulina, chlorella and wild blue green algae. They all help to correct blood sugar imbalance because theyre rich in minerals and easily absorbable protein.
They renew cells and can reverse the degenerative aging process, helping to rebuild the tissues of the liver, the nervous system, the brain and every other part of the body.
And to get you started, heres one of my favourite recipes, Juice Morning Magic.
Juice Morning Magic
1 cup cucumber juice
1 cup celery juice
1 cup Kale Juice
Juice 1 apple
small piece of ginger
Optional: add sunflower Sprouts
Juice all ingredients in a juicer and enjoy.