Society & Culture  & Entertainment: D-Day Monuments

D-Day Monuments

Allied Forces landed on the beaches of Normandy in France on D-Day.falaises d'etretat en normandie image by porschelegend from Fotolia.comD-Day monuments are located in the United States, England and France. These monuments commemorate the start of the liberation of Europe by the Allied...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Read a Coat of Arms

How to Read a Coat of Arms

Over the centuries, an entire academic discipline has developed around reading coats of arms. Heraldry examines the use of colors, symbols and mottos used by various noble families throughout Europe. A basic reading is broken down into three components: the shield, the crest (or helmet) and the mott

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Information on Native American Drums in New Mexico

Information on Native American Drums in New Mexico

To some Native Americans, the drum is symbolic of keeping in tune with the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Many tribes make or use drums in ceremony, powwows and for personal prayer or meditation with Creator. Several tribes, from the Apache to the Zuni, live in New Mexico. The Pueblo culture is known fo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Things a Prince Hall Order of Eastern Star Should Know

Things a Prince Hall Order of Eastern Star Should Know

Prince Hall Order of the Eastern Star organizations are fraternal groups to which both men and women may belong. Eastern Star orders are an adoptive group of Freemasonry and the Prince Hall orders historically have had a black membership. They adhere to a philosophy of service based on faith and bib

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Chickamauga Monuments

Chickamauga Monuments

The Chickamauga Battlefield is a spot of historical significance.An aging cannon from the days of the civil war. image by dvest from Fotolia.comChickamauga Battlefield is an area that covers 5,300 acres. The battlefield is rich in historic lore, which visitors may observe while taking a...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Design Your Own Scottish Coat of Arms

How to Design Your Own Scottish Coat of Arms

Although many online design programs and retailers exist, there is actually an official process involved in order to design what is considered a true Scottish coat of arms, also known as armorial bearings. Often, a family crest is confused with a coat of arms. While a family crest can be a starting

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Animals Do the Chinese Eat in Their Culture?

What Animals Do the Chinese Eat in Their Culture?

Many myths exist about what is considered proper food in other cultures, especially one as large and as varied as Chinese culture. Truthfully, China is so far flung, populous and vast that it is not plausible to conclude it has a monolithic culture. Local and regional eating habits often dictate wha

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Find My Lumbee Indian Ancestors

How to Find My Lumbee Indian Ancestors

The Lumbee Indians of North Carolina took their name from a river, "dark water," that runs through their tribal land. Known as a friendly people, they gave food and shelter to early colonists. Later, they welcomed and aided runaway slaves. In tracing your American Indian ancestry, you will learn abo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: National Registry of Historic Homes

National Registry of Historic Homes

Many homes appear on the National Register of Historic Places, which is the National Park Service's official list of places deemed by experts as worthy of preservation, for historical, archeological, engineering and cultural reasons. Other structures appearing on the register include government buil

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 4 Sure Ways to Enjoy and Learn Spanish Culture

4 Sure Ways to Enjoy and Learn Spanish Culture

The best thing to do if you plan to learn Spanish culture is to visit Spain. Spain is one of the most glamorous countries in Europe. Visiting the country will let you witness their impressive ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Japanese Restaurants Near East Aurora, New York

Japanese Restaurants Near East Aurora, New York

East Aurora is near an array of Japanese restaurants.japanese food image by Leonid Nyshko from Fotolia.comThe village of East Aurora is approximately 20 miles southeast of Buffalo, New York, off of the New York State Thruway (I-90). East Aurora is home to the Millard Fillmore Museum,...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The History of Tattooing in China

The History of Tattooing in China

Walk across any university campus and it's not difficult to find students with Chinese symbols tattooed somewhere on their body. Westerners have latched onto this art form, though not always successfully. Most of these students are Western with little concern for the history of language from which t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: History of the Chinese Red Ribbon Dance

History of the Chinese Red Ribbon Dance

The red ribbon dance is a Chinese dance of celebration. In this dance, the performers twirl, flick, and swish red ribbons attached to poles. Although there are no specific, predefined sequences to a red ribbon dance, it is characterized by abrupt, dramatic movements. The dancers need to move the pol

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Secrets of Atlantis

The Secrets of Atlantis

A lost continent that may have existed many thousands of years ago and has become the topic of numerous studies, books and movies, is still to be found: the lost continent of Atlantis. The legend ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 1940s American Comic Strips

1940s American Comic Strips

American culture in the early half of the 1940s revolved around the country's war efforts in World War II. This produced a sense of adventure in the comics created during that era. Many of the comic strips in the 1940s revolved around characters such as Batman and Clair Voyant going on...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: German Customs & Culture

German Customs & Culture

Germany may be famous for beer, lederhosen and mountain yodeling, but there's a whole lot more to German culture and customs than the stereotype. Germany has a long musical tradition and is the birthplace of many famous classical composers. It's also the originator of many worldwide traditions - fro

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Beeco Monuments

Beeco Monuments

Beeco Monuments provides granite markers, monuments and mausoleums in Ohio and Indiana.Cemetery Entrance image by lixai from Fotolia.comBeeco Monuments is a family run business with locations in Amelia and Reading, Ohio. It makes grave markers, monuments, mausoleums and other products out...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Why Are Crickets Considered to Be Lucky?

Why Are Crickets Considered to Be Lucky?

In Disney's "Mulan," the mainstream audience was introduced to the Chinese concept of crickets as good-luck charms. Cri-kee, the cricket in question, was carried around in a small wooden cage as a traditional charm against misfortune and accidents -- or at least against the misfortunes and accidents

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ethical Dilemmas That Apply the Principles of Religious Freedom

Ethical Dilemmas That Apply the Principles of Religious Freedom

An ethical dilemma arises when someone faced with a limited number of choices must choose between outcomes that violate either social, religious or legal rules. For example, when a country declares war, military personnel face the ethical dilemma of watching an aggressor country kill others or stepp