Law & Legal & Attorney: Texas Mobile Home Mortgage Default Law

Texas Mobile Home Mortgage Default Law

A mortgage is a lender's security interest in real property. The mortgage makes the real property collateral for the loan. Texas state law allows mobile homes to be considered real property and be mortgaged. Texas is a title theory state, which allows the lender to have and use the power of sale in

Law & Legal & Attorney: Questions To Ask Estate Planning Lawyers

Questions To Ask Estate Planning Lawyers

Estate planning lawyers are vital to help you make choices about your property. Learn what to ask potential estate planning attorneys before you make important decisions.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Florida Laws to Evict Someone Who Is Not on the Lease

Florida Laws to Evict Someone Who Is Not on the Lease

To evicting a Florida subtenant a landlord jumps a few extra hoops.everglades - florida image by george aston from Fotolia.comEviction situations are not all cut and dry, especially when you're dealing with a tenant who has not signed a lease. Florida considers this type of tenant a...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Long Should I Keep Old Lease Agreements?

How Long Should I Keep Old Lease Agreements?

As a landlord your legal interests in a tenant do not always end when a lease agreement terminates. Legal matters of different types often continue beyond the expiration of the tenancy itself. Therefore, one issue you need to keep in mind is how long you need to keep old lease agreements.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Evict a Friend From Your Residence in Texas

How to Evict a Friend From Your Residence in Texas

The situation may arise where you need to evict a friend from your residence. Eviction is a legal process and procedures must be followed to satisfy the court. Even though your friend resides with you, you will be required to serve him or her with an eviction notice. In order to protect your rights,

Law & Legal & Attorney: Thailand Company Registration and Land Acquisition

Thailand Company Registration and Land Acquisition

While foreign land ownership is generally not available in Thailand, corporations are allowed to buy and own land in the State. Even corporations owned partly by foreigners are allowed to buy land. Foreigners have seen this as an opportunity to own property in the country. They have since availed of

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Provision Guide to Small and Large Strata Schemes

A Provision Guide to Small and Large Strata Schemes

Strata scheme, formerly known as "building strata" is a building or collection of buildings where owner's has their small portion which is called a lot. Strata schemes are small communities where the actions and approach of people can have a major impact on the happiness and satisfact

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Does an Eviction Work?

How Does an Eviction Work?

Nobody wins in an eviction. The occupant is thrown out of a home, the landlord has to be nasty and spend money on a legal process, the court has to settle an unpleasant dispute in which nobody's pleased with the result and the sheriff has to perform one of his least-liked duties. The...

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Happens to a Tenant When the Landlord's Home is Foreclosed on?

What Happens to a Tenant When the Landlord's Home is Foreclosed on?

An inevitable effect of the current real estate market is that many Arizona renters innocently suffer when their landlord fails to pay their mortgage and the bank forecloses. Frequently, after the foreclosure the tenant will be evicted by the new owner of the property. This article will not address

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Happens to a Renter When a Home Is Foreclosed in Texas?

What Happens to a Renter When a Home Is Foreclosed in Texas?

As a tenant, you may assume that because you are paying rent to your landlord, the landlord is making his mortgage payments to the lender. However, in some cases, the landlord may be unable to meet his mortgage obligations, and the lender may elect to foreclose on the property. If you are a Texas re

Law & Legal & Attorney: Civil Penalties for a Forced Eviction

Civil Penalties for a Forced Eviction

Regardless of why a landlord wants to evict a tenant, he must follow the legal procedure for doing so, even if he has cause to evict. Failure to obtain a court order for eviction, harassing or threatening a tenant, locking the tenant out of his rental unit, or removing his belongings...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Main Contents of Tenancy Agreements

The Main Contents of Tenancy Agreements

Before allowing some tenant to occupy your property, it is quite important to sign a proper tenancy agreement, as it sets out the limitations of tenants' rights as well as their obligations. Apart from limitations and obligations, terms, payments, rent amounts, deposits, payment methods, rights

Law & Legal & Attorney: Eviction Enforcement in Oklahoma

Eviction Enforcement in Oklahoma

The eviction process might seem like a complicated process, but it's simple when broken down into each part of the procedure. A landlord is not able to throw a tenant out himself. He obtains a court order and a sheriff assists with the removal of the tenant. A landlord that tries to throw out a tena

Law & Legal & Attorney: Standard Sub Lease Agreements

Standard Sub Lease Agreements

State statutory and common law make up the bulk of the rules for the rental of commercial and residential property, including subleases. This area of law is known as landlord-tenant law.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Tenants' Rights and Deposits

Tenants' Rights and Deposits

Millions of Americans rent property from another, and one of the most misunderstood and contentious areas of landlord/tenant law is the security deposit. Having a bit of information about security deposits prior to entering the lease will serve every tenant well.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Tenants' Rights in Ontario

Tenants' Rights in Ontario

Tenants in Ontario should know their rights.apartment balconies image by Christopher Dodge from Fotolia.comThe province of Ontario has estblished many tenant rights, such as the right to own animals and to have repairs done by landlords. When landlords fail to follow through with lease...

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Happens If One Waives Homestead Rights in Illinois?

What Happens If One Waives Homestead Rights in Illinois?

The practice of allowing individuals to homestead a property provides protection against the loss of equity inproperty if the owner has to sell the home due to debts or bankruptcy. Homestead exemptions also lower property taxes. If a person waives their homestead exemption, their property may be awa

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Write a Repair List for Landlord in Texas

How to Write a Repair List for Landlord in Texas

Under Texas law, a tenant is afforded the right to peace, quiet and basic living standards. More specifically, the tenant is entitled to "quiet enjoyment" of the premises and the property must remain a fit place to live. Tenants also maintain the right to write a repair list for landlords in case fi

Law & Legal & Attorney: Nevada Landlord Tenant Act: Late Fees

Nevada Landlord Tenant Act: Late Fees

Chapter 188A of the Nevada Revised Statutes control the relationship between landlords and tenants. While the legislation has many protections for tenants, it also allows landlords to charge reasonable fees for late rent or bounced checks. There are instances, however, when a Nevada tenant can withh