Pets & Animal: Where to Start in Fish Keeping

Where to Start in Fish Keeping

If you are to ask a hobbyist the reason why he is setting up an aquarium, he will probably tell you that there is certain feeling of tranquility with a undersea environment. He may also tell you that the gentle movements of the fishes and plants can remove somebody's stress.

Pets & Animal: A Guide To Good Saltwater Fish For Beginners

A Guide To Good Saltwater Fish For Beginners

Tropical fish can have very exacting needs, there's much to focus on that uninitiated may not even know to look for. Here's a quick guide to those fish that are easiest to maintain for beginners, hopefully reducing fish loss and helping more people get in to this fascinating hobby.

Pets & Animal: An Introduction to the Planted Aquarium

An Introduction to the Planted Aquarium

An introduction to the planted aquarium, the benefits, how to maintain & which plants to have. Many aquarium keepers think that a planted aquarium is much more difficult to maintain than...

Pets & Animal: DIY Nano Plexiglass Aquarium

DIY Nano Plexiglass Aquarium

Building your own saltwater nano aquarium is one of the most challenging projects in fishkeeping. First, constructing your own aquarium is great challenge itself. There is no warranty on a homemade tank, and a mistake can waste costly resources. Second, a small tank is extremely challenging to maint

Pets & Animal: Easy Freshwater Aquarium Setup - Take it One Step at a Time

Easy Freshwater Aquarium Setup - Take it One Step at a Time

Setting up a freshwater aquarium can be easy and fun! Taking each element one step at a time, making the right choices for your tank, its size and the necessary equipment, will directly impact your ongoing care requirements. Learn more about what you will want to consider when starting your own setu

Pets & Animal: Index of Tropical Fish Diseases

Index of Tropical Fish Diseases

After creating and maintaining your beautiful aquarium, all the time and money you spent on it, the last thing you want to deal with is tropical fish diseases. Coming home and finding your fish covered with white spots, the eyes swollen or the fins disintegrating is a blow to any aquarist. Following

Pets & Animal: Choosing a Freshwater Aquarium Filter

Choosing a Freshwater Aquarium Filter

Whatever kind of fish tank or fish you have, a freshwater aquarium filter is a must have. Fish, just like any other living thing, produce waste in the form of excrement and gases, and because a tank is such a limited environment, this waste accumulates.

Pets & Animal: How to Set Up a Watchmaker's Lathe

How to Set Up a Watchmaker's Lathe

A watchmaker's lathe is a specialty lathe that is manufactured for precise work on metal. The name does not do it justice, as it can be used to balance shafts and engrave designs. Lathes can be purchased and mounted on a solid surface for work at home.

Pets & Animal: Koi Pond Kits - Essential Things You Need to Know!

Koi Pond Kits - Essential Things You Need to Know!

Koi pond kits are ideal for customizing to suit your particular surroundings in order to build the very best pond setting and environment for raising vibrant, healthy koi fish. The koi fish enthusiast also wants a koi pond that enhances their outdoor area... in fact, koi keeping has become so popula

Pets & Animal: How to Set Up Contact Form Scripts

How to Set Up Contact Form Scripts

Setting up a contact form on your website is an almost essential task. Whatever the purpose of your website, you most likely want your visitors to be able to contact you. Setting up a working contact form script on your website is the first step to get in touch with your visitors, whether you want t

Pets & Animal: How to Remove Bristle Worm

How to Remove Bristle Worm

Bristle worms are colorful, caterpillar-like creatures that live in live rock and coral. They grow swiftly, often as long as 24 inches, and are very gluttonous. Although bristle worms may look harmless, they can do a tremendous amount of damage to live reef aquariums, devouring fish and coral alike.

Pets & Animal: How Do I Clean a Tank With Baby Snails?

How Do I Clean a Tank With Baby Snails?

Snails are a hands-free method of keeping your salt or fresh water fish tank clean. They feed off of algae, leftover food and other corrosive elements that muck up the glass and décor. Most varietals are smaller than the traditional garden variety of snail, giving them the appearance of being

Pets & Animal: How to Make Your Own Carbon Filter for an Aquarium With Nylon

How to Make Your Own Carbon Filter for an Aquarium With Nylon

Aquarium creatures pollute the water with waste products. As aquariums are closed systems, you need to filter the water to remove impurities and keep your fish happy and healthy. Carbon makes a wonderful filter, as it is able to trap organic waste matter within its pores and channels. Carbon is used

Pets & Animal: A Child's Guide for Cleaning a Fish Tank

A Child's Guide for Cleaning a Fish Tank

Whether you have a classroom or at-home fish tank, teach kids how to care for and clean the tanks to give the fish a healthy environment. Guiding children through the steps to cleaning a fish tank teaches them responsibility.

Pets & Animal: Aquarium Plants - What You Should Know

Aquarium Plants - What You Should Know

If you want to learn more about aquarium plants then you will want to read this article. Specifically, in this article we will discuss what aquarium plants are as well as their importance in your saltwater aquarium. After reading this article, you will better be able to understand the benefits of aq

Pets & Animal: Types of Substrate for an Aquarium

Types of Substrate for an Aquarium

Substrate, the general term for the gravel, sand or other material in the aquarium bed, serves three main purposes. Fish may camouflage themselves against the substrate's mottled colors, or bury themselves in it to hide from bigger fish. Substrate provides a base for growing live aquatic...

Pets & Animal: How to Build Lizard Tanks

How to Build Lizard Tanks

Building your own lizard tank is a great project for someone who is not at all happy with the offerings of the local pet store. Most pet store cages come in a very dependable standard set of sizes and shapes. By building your own cage, you are limited only by your imagination.

Pets & Animal: How to Acclimate Crabs in a Tank

How to Acclimate Crabs in a Tank

Acclimation is the process of slowly introducing aquatic life to the aquarium environment. Transferring animals like crabs from one environment to another is stressful on the animals and, without proper care, they can die. Generally speaking, the slower the acclimation process the better, assuming o