Health & Medical: About Contact Lenses for Older Adults

About Contact Lenses for Older Adults

Older adults may face some challenges when it comes to wearing contact lenses. Many people over age 40 have presbyopia, where the eyes cannot focus up close. In addition, the eyelids sag and dry eyes sets in. These factors may present problems but older adults can still wear contact lenses.

Health & Medical: What' s The Cost Of Lasik Eye Surgery?

What' s The Cost Of Lasik Eye Surgery?

A great factor while selecting to do lasik surgery's the cost of Lasik Surgery. Many people would be making their decision on if not to do lasik on the lone basis of the amount it would be costing them.

Health & Medical: Are Prescription Theatrical Contact Lenses Safe?

Are Prescription Theatrical Contact Lenses Safe?

Prescription theatrical contact lenses are so great because these serve a dual purpose - as corrective and cosmetic devices. In the past, these contacts were mostly used by theater and movie actors and actresses to add more depth to their characters. But increased public demand has made it possible

Health & Medical: Frequency Contact Lenses - What You Should Know About This Eye Product

Frequency Contact Lenses - What You Should Know About This Eye Product

The Frequency range of contact lenses is manufactured by Cooper Vision. This company was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in California. The company is currently the fourth largest contact lens maker in the world. This company is also the world leader in the manufacture of toric lenses.

Health & Medical: Better Vision With Eye Training Exercises

Better Vision With Eye Training Exercises

It seems like just about everybody wears contact lenses or glasses. Some people only wear glasses when they are reading, others need them when they are looking at things that are far away, but most people use them consistently to aid their vision.

Health & Medical: Where to Get Cheap Glasses to Save Money?

Where to Get Cheap Glasses to Save Money?

I got my first spectacles from my optometrist in a traditional eye wear store. He used the traditional method to measure the prescription of glasses for my eyes, which is to switch various lenses for me to look through till one perfectly matches my needs. The first tip I have for you is to look for

Health & Medical: Eye Exams Nyc-eye Exams(212) 245-0686

Eye Exams Nyc-eye Exams(212) 245-0686

Eye Exam NYC- Call (212) 245-0686 NYC Eye Doctor provides eye exams for the entire family. (212) 245-0686

Health & Medical: Glaucoma and Your Eyes

Glaucoma and Your Eyes

WebMD explains types, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of glaucoma, a progressive vision condition that can lead to permanent blindness.

Health & Medical: How to Set Up the One Touch Ultra Mini Correctly

How to Set Up the One Touch Ultra Mini Correctly

Accuracy is an important part of long-term health when managing your diabetes. When you buy a new blood glucose meter, such as the One Touch Ultra Mini, it needs to be configured properly in order for you to keep track of your blood sugar readings. The time and date should always be adjusted so that

Health & Medical: Tips For Reading Your Glasses Prescription

Tips For Reading Your Glasses Prescription

Every time you leave your eye doctor's office after an exam, it's customary to receive a copy of your prescription. If you go online to buy your glasses, here are a few tips to better understand your eyeglass prescription.

Health & Medical: How Laser Eye Surgery Works

How Laser Eye Surgery Works

All those considering laser eye surgery would be wondering how laser eye surgery works and what its benefits are. Laser eye surgery is a refractive surgery, a procedure that corrects refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (distorted vision).

Health & Medical: 5 Common Causes of Eye Irritation and Recommended Measures

5 Common Causes of Eye Irritation and Recommended Measures

Eye irritation is a common problem experienced by individuals of all age groups. It is actually itching, stinging, burning or other painful irritating sensation in the eyes. The common symptoms associated with eye irritation is itching, redness, soreness, swelling, tearing, burning, pain, fatigue et

Health & Medical: Acuvue Oasys

Acuvue Oasys

During the 2006 Olympic Winter games, two olympic speed skaters premiered the Acuvue Oasys contact lens.Perhaps due to the superior wetting power of Oasys, Belbin and Agosto both skated off with silver medals.For many, the dry air of the rinks was too much.For these two, their lenses led the way.

Health & Medical: Reading Glasses and How to Deal With Them

Reading Glasses and How to Deal With Them

Any eye care practitioner will tell you that as a rule, people wait far too long before getting reading glasses. The reasons are usually concerned with vanity and the desire to last as long as possible without having to admit one needs glasses. Why? If we knew the answer to that one, half the World

Health & Medical: Moving On...

Moving On...

Sometimes your technicians and staff members need to move on to bigger and better things, and we should be supporting them.

Health & Medical: Consume Foods High in Lutein to Help Improve Your Visual Health

Consume Foods High in Lutein to Help Improve Your Visual Health

Our eyes are fascinating sensory organs which allow us to see the world while requiring remarkably low maintenance. Besides seeing an optometrist and perhaps wearing prescription glasses or contacts, there's not much most people do to maintain their eyes. It's a lot easier than brushing an

Health & Medical: Vision Tests for Athletes

Vision Tests for Athletes

With most sports being such a large part of society, have you ever wondered how we ensure our athletes have the best vision possible? Enjoy this explanation of sports vision tests.

Health & Medical: Color Your Eyes with Ciba Focus Monthly Soft Colours Contacts

Color Your Eyes with Ciba Focus Monthly Soft Colours Contacts

Having a striking eye could be one of the best contributions of the Ciba Focus Monthlys Soft Colours specialty contact lenses to the world of fashion. However in addition to looking good, Ciba Focus contacts also do a great job of correcting the imperfections of your vision. It goes without saying t