Insurance: Requirements for Medicaid in Pennsylvania

Requirements for Medicaid in Pennsylvania

Medicaid provides health care for eligible, low income families or individuals with higher medical expenses. About 64 percent of Pennsylvanians below the age of 65 have private health insurance as a work benefit. The majority of recipients are below the age of 18 who account for 46...

Insurance: How to Avoid HIPAA Violations

How to Avoid HIPAA Violations

The increased use of technology in the health care industry helps providers, insurers and patients quickly access medical records. However, the electronic transfer of protected health information (PHI) can leave it vulnerable to data breeches and misuse. In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and

Insurance: HIPAA Regulations for Employers

HIPAA Regulations for Employers

HIPAA has certain guidelines employers must follow.busy, busy image by Keith Frith from Fotolia.comThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that requires portability, non-discrimination as well as other specific requirements on employer-sponsored...

Insurance: How to Find the Right Medicare Supplemental Coverage

How to Find the Right Medicare Supplemental Coverage

Medicare, which provides federal health insurance for the elderly and disabled, is a comprehensive benefits program. However, there are still some benefits that are not covered under Medicare, and these costs can begin to add up over time. Medicare supplemental insurance, better known as Medigap, pl

Insurance: The Importance of Employee Benefits

The Importance of Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are a hard thing to come by, especially in today's economy. It is a shame that many workers receive no coverage and every worker out there should receive some form of coverage. Most ...

Insurance: Find Health Insurance Products for You and Your Family

Find Health Insurance Products for You and Your Family

You could always find health insurance products that are best for you if you search patiently and intelligently. There are several measures to ensure success in such an endeavor. There are just too many health ...

Insurance: The Benefits of Cheap Health Insurance

The Benefits of Cheap Health Insurance

If you have been debating the pros and cons have getting cheap health insurance, you likely are wondering if the cost of this expense is really worth the benefit that coverage provides to you. You ...

Insurance: Medicare Age Rules

Medicare Age Rules

Medicare is not just for older people, although the government program provides medical insurance to most individuals over age 65. Certain illnesses may qualify you for Medicare even if you are younger than age 65; long-term disability is a common qualifier. There also are circumstances in which chi

Insurance: Indiana Medicaid Eligibility Policy

Indiana Medicaid Eligibility Policy

Medicaid health coverage assists nearly 800,000 Indiana residents as of 2010. Eligibility and coverage vary depending on the specific Medicaid program. Different types of Medicaid include traditional Medicaid, Hoosier Healthwise, managed care programs, M.E.D. Works and Medicaid Waivers. Determining

Insurance: Definition of Health Assessment

Definition of Health Assessment

A health assessment is a type of survey that asks questions about your health and lifestyle. It is a risk appraisal that focuses on your health with an emphasis on education and behavioral changes. It asks a broad range of questions regarding things such as health and job satisfaction.

Insurance: What Is Applied Behavior Analysis?

What Is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Behavior analysis can be broadly defined as the study of behavior with scientific methodology. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), in turn, is taking the information and general rules about behavior established by the research and using them to effect positive change in human behavior. ABA can be app

Insurance: Health Insurance Requirements

Health Insurance Requirements

Health insurance requirements in the United States generally are set by the legislatures in each of the states. There are some health insurance requirements that commonly are found in polices in all states.

Insurance: Medicare Managed Care Plan Advantages & Disadvantages

Medicare Managed Care Plan Advantages & Disadvantages

Medicare managed-care plans are health care plan options that Medicare offers to its members; these plans offer extra benefits and lower co-payments than basic Medicare. These plans vary with regards to health care coverage, flexibility and costs. Therefore, it is important to understand the advanta

Insurance: Should I Buy Medicare Supplemental Plan?

Should I Buy Medicare Supplemental Plan?

You May Not Need ItMedicare supplemental plans, better known as Medigap policies, have a set of particular benefits, and some plans also pay for extra costs such as deductibles and co-insurance. If you have traditional Medicare, and you do not use the doctor frequently, a Medigap may not...

Insurance: Federal Health Insurance Act

Federal Health Insurance Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) was designed to expand the reach of health insurance coverage in America. Broadly, the act will require U.S. citizens and legal alien residents to carry some form of health coverage. Individuals and families will be able to purchase cove

Insurance: Define Risk Management in Healthcare

Define Risk Management in Healthcare

Risk management issues pervade the health care industry. To ensure that a health care organization, its patients and its workforce are protected from the many types of hazards, it is invaluable to institute a risk management plan.

Insurance: New York Health Insurance Laws

New York Health Insurance Laws

New York State has a number of laws that protect the insured.Statue of Liberty image by sival from Fotolia.comNew York State has a number of options for residents in need of health insurance.This includes a number of private insurers as well as state-sponsored programs aimed at helping...

Insurance: What Is a Copayment in an Insurance Plan?

What Is a Copayment in an Insurance Plan?

A co-payment, commonly referred to as a co-pay, is one of a patient's possible costs when visiting a hospital, clinic or private doctor. A patient may be allotted a specific number of doctor visits per year for which he pays a co-pay, after which he begins paying out-of-pocket until his deductible i