Law & Legal & Attorney: Explaining the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process

Explaining the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process

Facing money problems can be a scary thing for many people and filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case may be the only way out of debt. When you file this type of case, you are ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Lasting Power of Lawyer (UK Law)

Lasting Power of Lawyer (UK Law)

Civil Attorneys The Lasting Energy of Attorney was introduced by The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and came into effect on the 1st October 2007. It replaces the Enduring Power of Lawyer even though EPA&

Law & Legal & Attorney: Medicaid and Interfamily Gift - What's the Problem?

Medicaid and Interfamily Gift - What's the Problem?

In February, 2006 Congress passed some significant changes to the Medicaid laws that created some very dangerous traps for unprepared families needing long term care. The following story is all too common and a cautionary tale for those families considering gifting from the older to younger generati

Law & Legal & Attorney: Know more about Immigration laws and facts!!

Know more about Immigration laws and facts!!

A good and sound lawyer should be enthusiastic about his work and be ready to help you at all hours. He should be able to access the case and be clear about the options that are open for you.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Who Is Involved In Legal Services?

Who Is Involved In Legal Services?

You get to choose your attorney from a pool of attorneys in the network. Your lawyer is your point of contact for any phone advice or office consultation.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Employment Law - 6 Things Every Business Should Know

Employment Law - 6 Things Every Business Should Know

Employment law is complex and any employer is well advised not to take any unnecessary risks without taking appropriate legal advice from a specialist employment law solicitor. This article highlights six crucial areas where employers should take particular care.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Identity Theft Prevention Program Guidelines

Identity Theft Prevention Program Guidelines

In a recent summary statement regarding the 'red flags' guidelines of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) noted the guidelines require financial institutions and creditors implement written identity theft prevention programs to mon

Law & Legal & Attorney: The New Credit Card Law - "Deep N Debt" Reporting

The New Credit Card Law - "Deep N Debt" Reporting

President Obama recently signed into law a new credit card law containing numerous restrictions on the predatory accounting practices of credit card issuing banks. The law contained several valuable new protections for consumers, which had the banks hard at work devising new predations. The followin

Law & Legal & Attorney: 5 Reasons to Get Divorced

5 Reasons to Get Divorced

OK, the question is one that even thinking about answering makes you feel a little bit morally compromised. If speaking to a close friend, who really would be better off getting divorced, you might with ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Restrictive Covenants In Employment Contracts And Covenants Not To Compete

Restrictive Covenants In Employment Contracts And Covenants Not To Compete

A restrictive covenant refers to a promise not to compete or solicit business. Generally, this is used in business contracts with an employee. In most scenarios, an employer will require the employees to sign these employment agreements at the outset of the career with a particular company. When wri

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Need-to-knows Of Workers Compensation

The Need-to-knows Of Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation is the oldest social insurance program in the nation.It is a no-fault system, which means that you do not have to prove whose fault your injury was in order to receive the benefits of workers compensation.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Failed Surgery

Failed Surgery

In the majority of cases in the UK, surgery is performed without any problems arising. Unfortunately, however, mistakes can be made and a patient is left in a worse condition than before surgery was undertaken.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Conduct an Online Background Check - Step by Step

Conduct an Online Background Check - Step by Step

Did you know that you can obtain criminal information on anyone, just by using online background check websites. So, if you've been racking your brains, trying to work out how you can find out private information on someone then you've come to the right place.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Direct Access Barristers and Public Access Barristers

Direct Access Barristers and Public Access Barristers

Ever since early 2002, barristers have been legally permitted to offer their services to the public by gaining clients directly within police stations. For over 100 years the general public has been barred from ever having access to these advocates of the courts. The idea was to merge the position o

Law & Legal & Attorney: Where to Get Free Marriage Records - Find Them Easily

Where to Get Free Marriage Records - Find Them Easily

Looking for information can be a very stressful and time consuming job. If you have been trying to locate where to get free marriage records, then you have found the correct article to help you out.

Law & Legal & Attorney: State Of Georgia Criminal Records Available Online

State Of Georgia Criminal Records Available Online

Achieving Criminal Records is no longer constricted to the police departments alone. These days where data can be acquired through the web, dealings are simple and quick to produce.