Health & Medical: An Overview of Celiac Disease

An Overview of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a digestive and autoimmune disorder that can damage the lining of the small intestine. Learn more about celiac disease and living gluten-free.

Health & Medical: Definition of Acute Gastroenteritis

Definition of Acute Gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis is a bacterial inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This illness, according to, affects about 1 in 1,000 people annually.

Health & Medical: How to Treat Stomach Virus When Pregnant

How to Treat Stomach Virus When Pregnant

Gastroenteritis, commonly referred to as stomach flu, frequently affects pregnant women. Since pregnancy often weakens a woman's immune system, the pregnant woman is more vulnerable to viruses and other illnesses. While an unwelcome experience for mothers and their unborn babies, gastroenteritis do

Health & Medical: Simple Ways to Manage Digestive Problems

Simple Ways to Manage Digestive Problems

What causing your digestive problems? WebMD explains how to treat and prevent heartburn, constipation, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

Health & Medical: Top 10 Highlights From ACG 2013

Top 10 Highlights From ACG 2013

Dr. David Johnson presents his top 10 key scientific presentations from this year's American College of Gastroenterology meeting in San Diego.

Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Diet Menu - Day 6

Acid Reflux Diet Menu - Day 6

Daily menu featuring heartburn-friendly foods and recipes. These are ideal for those individuals on an acid reflux diet. Suggests for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are given. Each dinner menu shown here gives an Entree with a link to the recipe for its preparation, along with suggestions for

Health & Medical: Digestive Enzymes to Help With Gas

Digestive Enzymes to Help With Gas

Tooting, farting, passing gas--flatulence has many names. Almost every individual experiences gas, but some have it more than others. While gas is a natural part of the digestive process, consuming digestive enzymes can help with flatulence.

Health & Medical: When Should We Suspect Hereditary CRC Syndrome?

When Should We Suspect Hereditary CRC Syndrome?

How do cases of hereditary colorectal cancer and Lynch syndrome generally present in patients? This new study explores the pathophysiology of these diseases, and also talks about issues surrounding diagnosis and management.

Health & Medical: Alteration of the Intestinal Microbiome

Alteration of the Intestinal Microbiome

Recurrent C difficile infection is an excellent example of alteration of the microbiome. Could fecal transplant or probiotics be a means to restore healthy gut bacteria for this and other diseases?

Health & Medical: Heartburn Causes That Are Well Known And Which Can Be Prevented

Heartburn Causes That Are Well Known And Which Can Be Prevented

Taking a look at some heartburn causes will help individuals who have absolutely no idea where the pain and discomfort comes from or how to avoid it. You do not necessarily have to be a sufferer all your life, neither do you have to always be in pain.

Health & Medical: Worms & Stomach Pain

Worms & Stomach Pain

Intestinal worms can cause constipation, bloating and other health problems in a person's stomach. The symptoms of worms can include diarrhea, asthma, a weakened immune system and anemia.

Health & Medical: General Information About Ulcers

General Information About Ulcers

Ulcers--small, open breaks or craters in the lining of the upper gastrointestinal tract--usually develop in one of two sites. The most common form in the upper portion of the small intestine and are known as duodenal ulcers; less common are those in the stomach itself, which are gastric ulcers. Surp

Health & Medical: Left Side Abdominal Pain & Leg Pain

Left Side Abdominal Pain & Leg Pain

Left side abdominal pain and leg pain can have many different causes. If you have persistent abdominal and leg pain, it may be necessary to consult a physician to obtain a correct diagnosis and treatment plan.

Health & Medical: Surgery for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Surgery for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome is characterized by chronic pain in the kneecap (patella). It results from excessive overuse, most often from high-impact sports. Some people undergo surgery to correct the problem, but this is not common. Doctors will try many treatments before resorting to surgery.