Health & Medical: Listen to Me!

Listen to Me!

If what you really want is for your child to listen, stop saying "Look at me!" Eye contact can get in the way of the verbal message you're trying to get through.

Health & Medical: Conflicts Between Parents and Adolescents

Conflicts Between Parents and Adolescents

The aim of this paper are family relationships during adolescence and particularly the strategies of parents in relation to their children: the expression of affection, communication and the way that our parents put the rules and demand compliance. Teens establishing secure links with their parents,

Health & Medical: Toys of Interest to Gifted Children

Toys of Interest to Gifted Children

It's that time of year when the majority of parents begin looking for toys to buy for children. Unfortunately, many parents of gifted children get frustrated,

Health & Medical: Fisher Price Baby Monitor - Affordable, Simplistic and Easy to Use!

Fisher Price Baby Monitor - Affordable, Simplistic and Easy to Use!

Finding an ideal and simple baby monitor is difficult with the range available in market. For those not looking for technologically advanced baby monitors can check out the Fisher price baby monitor range which is tailor made for all types of requirements.

Health & Medical: Get the Most Attractive Alphabet Clothes For Your Kids

Get the Most Attractive Alphabet Clothes For Your Kids

With so legion extraordinary trademarks tendering you a ample range of products and accessories, it can be troublesome to square off with any one, that is why, here at Pure and Honest Kids, you can op

Health & Medical: Teaching Art Brings Benefits For A Lifetime

Teaching Art Brings Benefits For A Lifetime

Art and art education present certain benefits to children that, while hard to quantify or gauge, offer rich means of broadening their experiences and help to shape their perspectives on a wealth of subjects. Parents looking to introduce their children to such benefits have a variety of choices to m

Health & Medical: Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of diaper rash, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Dealing With an Aggressive Child - Biting, Kicking and Other Violence

Dealing With an Aggressive Child - Biting, Kicking and Other Violence

Some kids go through a biting phase when they are young, but thankfully grow out of it fairly quickly. Others suddenly go from being sweet and easy to deal with to being a ticking time bomb of tension and barely suppressed rage. Whether it is a phase they need to grow out of or something more seriou

Health & Medical: Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup

Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup

Broccoli Cheese Noodle Soup, part of a collection of homemade soup and stew recipes. This broccoli soup variation has noodles, homemade or packaged.

Health & Medical: Do Husbands Attend Breastfeeding Classes?

Do Husbands Attend Breastfeeding Classes?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all new mothers exclusively breastfeed their children for the first six months of life and continue until both mom and baby are ready to end the nursing relationship. Breastfeeding can be difficult to learn at first, especially for first-time moms w

Health & Medical: Itchy Gums

Itchy Gums

Babies are known to start teething at ages as early as three months. Most babies have their first tooth emerge between 6-8 months and they usually come in pairs. The Bottom teeth should show first ...

Health & Medical: Internet Safety - Posting Photos of Children

Internet Safety - Posting Photos of Children

Many parents are protective of what they will and won't allow their children to do - both online and offline - all in the name of protecting their children.Yet these are the same people who don't see anything wrong with making their children's private and confidential information avai

Health & Medical: Baby-Name Regret Is on the Rise, Expert Says

Baby-Name Regret Is on the Rise, Expert Says

Expectant moms and dads, back away from the baby-name publications. Okay, a peek or 2 probably will not harm you. But if you're anticipating trashing "15,000 Little one Companies" (Meadowbrook Press, 1997) for the even-lengthier ...

Health & Medical: Advantages of Switching From Breast Milk to Formula Feeding

Advantages of Switching From Breast Milk to Formula Feeding

As known to all breastfeeding is quiet advantageous for new born baby and it is recommended to breastfeed at least for one year. But when it comes to switching from breast milk to formula, child finds it difficult to accept and usually becomes irritated. But as far as effectiveness of breastfeeding

Health & Medical: Types Of Online Single Parent Dating Sites

Types Of Online Single Parent Dating Sites

Dating as a whole is usually a very risky affair because an individual always invests their time and money over a long period of time in order to get to know someone who might not just be the right match for them.

Health & Medical: How to Save Money on Baby Formula

How to Save Money on Baby Formula

Baby formula is one of the most expensive baby items we have to buy. Not to mention, it is one of the most frequent items that we need to buy. Since babies are so expensive, we need to find all the deals we can, that will save us money.