Health & Medical: Spinal Decompression - The Cure For Many Back Problems?

Spinal Decompression - The Cure For Many Back Problems?

Fred described a relatively new treatment for sufferers of all types of spinal pain, from the neck to the lower back. It's called spinal decompression. He explained that one thing common to most suffering is that the spine becomes compressed, meaning the vertebrae move closer together causing u

Health & Medical: Achilles Tendinitis Striking Down Hurdlers

Achilles Tendinitis Striking Down Hurdlers

For sprinters and runners on flat ground, Achilles tendinitis is a serious enough problem. However, for hurdlers it is even more common and can see them sitting out of action for months on end if not identified early enough.

Health & Medical: Back Pain - What Does it Mean?

Back Pain - What Does it Mean?

There's more to back pain than meets the eye.The key to its cure may lie more in dealing with the underlying meaning of pain than simply dealing with its physical manifestation and symptoms.

Health & Medical: Oh My Aching Knees!

Oh My Aching Knees!

How many remedies, medications, exercises, home cures, have we all tried to find pain relief for our knees and to little or no avail? Probably as many as read this article.How many knee pain ointments are on the market?

Health & Medical: Is Walking Effective for Back Health?

Is Walking Effective for Back Health?

Lower back pain is something we will all likely deal with at some point in our lives. However, we can lower the risk of this pain by doing something as simple as walking.The article talks about lower back pain and how walking might be an effective strategy at avoiding back pain over a person's

Health & Medical: An Overview of Stellate Ganglion Blocks in Pain Management

An Overview of Stellate Ganglion Blocks in Pain Management

A stellate ganglion block is an injection performed by pain management doctors into the front part of either side of a person's neck. The injection can be very helpful for those suffering with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), refractory angina, Raynaud&

Health & Medical: Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief

Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief

Recent estimates and stats have shown that next to cold and flu, most people visit their physicians because they ache in different parts of the body. While it is normal to develop aches -particularly back aches- after a stressful physical workout or hectic day, back pain can be often caused by const

Health & Medical: Hand Pain Causes

Hand Pain Causes

WebMD discusses some common causes and treatment of hand pain, including carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and trigger finger.

Health & Medical: How to Identify Symptoms of a Tension Headache

How to Identify Symptoms of a Tension Headache

Nearly everyone suffers from headaches once in a while, but tension headaches are the most common. This type of headache often occurs in individuals more than 15 days of the month. Such headaches are considered to be chronic in nature, although some individuals experience only occasional (episodic)

Health & Medical: TMJ Jaw Pain

TMJ Jaw Pain

TMJ jaw pain occurs when there is a problem with the Temporomandibular Joint. This article is going to discuss causes of TMJ jaw pain and treatments that can be done to relieve the pain.

Health & Medical: Migraine Headaches-Cause

Migraine Headaches-Cause

Experts aren't sure what causes migraines. They run in families,and experts have found a genetic link. But it is not clear why some people get migraines and others don't. Certain things can bring on a migraine. These are called triggers. Your triggers may be different from someone else's

Health & Medical: World Headache Awareness Month 2003 and the XI Congress of the IHS

World Headache Awareness Month 2003 and the XI Congress of the IHS

As the World Headache Alliance held their annual meeting and the XI Congress of the International Headache Society was underway, great things were happening for sufferers of headaches and Migraine. Lifting the Burden, the Global Campaign to reduce the burden of headache worldwide was formally announ

Health & Medical: Relieve Muscle Soreness With Contrast Showers

Relieve Muscle Soreness With Contrast Showers

Whether it's from lifting weights, running, or playing a game of tennis, muscle soreness can result from making your muscles work in ways they are not used to. This is an unfortunate side effect, as it can limit your future physical activity.The cause of muscle soreness is not entirely understo

Health & Medical: Radiating Pain Due To Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Radiating Pain Due To Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is comprised of a group of symptoms that is applied to a patients description of their complaint. The patient will complain of pains and numbness and tingling (paraesthesias) in the neck, shoulder, arm and hand. The pains will generally radiate down the middle of the a

Health & Medical: Eliminate Agonizing Hand Pain Quickly and Easily!

Eliminate Agonizing Hand Pain Quickly and Easily!

One of the most complex pieces of anatomy is the hand.The hand is designed to explore the environment and communicate by sign and touch.The hand can be used as a hook to lift or it can be used for grip using either power or precision. When damaged or diseased this tool for gripping and feeling can b