Health & Medical: Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Strain

Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Strain

A rotator cuff is the four tendons that are a part of the four shoulder muscles in the upper arm. A rotator cuff strain is when the arm cannot move freely in a wide range of motion without feeling pain because one or more of the tendons is strained. Injuring the rotator cuff can prevent people from

Health & Medical: Listerine And Toenail Fungus - Oh Dear

Listerine And Toenail Fungus - Oh Dear

Type in Listerine and toenail fungus into any search engine (probably into music searches as well) and loads of Listerine articles spring up. Most are totally rubbish... here's why.

Health & Medical: How to Lift Weights After a Knee Replacement

How to Lift Weights After a Knee Replacement

More than 542,000 total knee replacements occur every year, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Strengthening muscles around connective tissue is the best way to support and strengthen joints, so the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center recommends controlled weight-lifting for

Health & Medical: How to Identify Risks for Hip Fracture

How to Identify Risks for Hip Fracture

Hip fractures are the leading cause of disability in individuals over 65 years of age. A hip fracture is defined as an injury that includes a partial or complete fracture of the femur (thigh bone) at the hip joint.While all ages and genders may suffer from a hip fracture, especially due to automobil

Health & Medical: What You Can Do For Toenail Fungus Cures

What You Can Do For Toenail Fungus Cures

Do you have trouble with your toenails looking yellowish or brownish? Are your toenails growing abnormally and starting to crumble when you trim them? You most likely have one of the most common foot problems there is, a toenail fungus. While this condition may seem unbearable, there are some effect

Health & Medical: What Is a Calf Muscle Collapse?

What Is a Calf Muscle Collapse?

A calf muscle collapse is a type of injury in which muscles of the lower leg, known as the triceps surae, become torn, detached, or partly detached from the tendons that hold them to bones. This can occur when the foot is extended suddenly with extensive force.

Health & Medical: Stretching Activities for Kids

Stretching Activities for Kids

Stretching your muscles helps stimulate blood flow, loosen tight muscles, boost energy, improve joint function, and sharpen coordination. Perhaps stretching's greatest benefit is an increased range of motion, making it easier to perform simple tasks such as tying a shoelace, reaching high or even sc

Health & Medical: Toenail Fungus Treatments and Cures

Toenail Fungus Treatments and Cures

Toenail fungus cures, have been attracting widespread attention in recent months and this has much to do with the hunger for an enhanced social life on the part of sufferers. Those afflicted wish to wear sandals, high heels and other types of shoes which are designed to promote comfort and reveal be

Health & Medical: Dry Foot Treatments

Dry Foot Treatments

Dealing with dry feet can be painful and irritating. When your feet don't get enough moisture it causes the skin to dry and this can lead to cracked heels, dry skin patches, calluses and other uncomfortable conditions. If not treated properly dry feet can worsen and the cracks in the skin can d

Health & Medical: Warning Signs About Our Feet

Warning Signs About Our Feet

Just like the tires on a vehicle, our feet move us from point A to point B and therefore, in order to keep them healthy and moving, we need to keep them healthy. We could take care of them be giving them some attention at the end of the day and some rest during the day.

Health & Medical: Osteoporosis Treatments

Osteoporosis Treatments

WebMD looks at various preventive measures and treatments for osteoporosis.

Health & Medical: Cushioned Shoe Inserts

Cushioned Shoe Inserts

Are you looking for a way to get more cushioning out of your shoes and protect your feet? This article will help explain the cushioning options that you can add to your new and existing shoes.

Health & Medical: Phosphorus Deficiency & Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Phosphorus Deficiency & Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Hyperparathyroidism is very common, and the risk of acquiring this disease increases with age. In many cases, the cause of this disorder remains unknown. In fact, many people who suffer from hyperparathyroidism have no family history of this disease. Phosphorus plays an important role in physiologic

Health & Medical: Podiatrists in the Field of Podiatry

Podiatrists in the Field of Podiatry

Podiatrists' podiatry is the name of two different terms in general. Bur in the world of foot pain, podiatry and podiatrist are the two most associated words. Podiatry, also called chiropody, is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of human foot, ankle and lower le

Health & Medical: Foot Stress Fractures and Top of Foot Pain

Foot Stress Fractures and Top of Foot Pain

Top of foot pain has many causes; however foot fractures are a common cause. Stress fractures to the metatarsals can cause top of foot pain both on weight bearing activity and even at rest. Treatment for stress fractures usually just involves rest and support.

Health & Medical: Can That Pain In Your Foot Be Due To Plantar Fasciitis?

Can That Pain In Your Foot Be Due To Plantar Fasciitis?

Those who experience soreness or pain in their heels or soles might end up asking their physician about plantar fasciitis. The pain that they have most likely is not getting any better and makes walking and running extremely hard.