Health & Medical: Donation From Old Living Donors

Donation From Old Living Donors

Is living donor transplantation from an older person as safe as deceased transplantion from a younger donor? This new study examines the issues.

Health & Medical: A Wearable Artificial Kidney: Dream or Reality?

A Wearable Artificial Kidney: Dream or Reality?

The idea of a wearable device to perform dialysis is not as far-fetched as it once was. In this article, the authors discuss the clinical, technical and socioeconomic reasons for continuing the push towards the wearable artificial kidney.

Health & Medical: Will New PSA Guidelines Change Practice?

Will New PSA Guidelines Change Practice?

Dr. Gerald Chodak, an early critic of routine PSA tests for all men, discusses a new report from the US Preventive Services Task Force concluding that such routine screening incurs more harm than benefit.

Health & Medical: Products Containing Melamine

Products Containing Melamine

Melamine can be found in fire blankets and fire safety clothing.Fire image by Luke Haverkamp from Fotolia.comMelamine is an organic compound made of hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. It is used to create a resin found in a variety of products. Since melamine is flame resistant, most of the...

Health & Medical: How to Control Bladder Spasms From UTI

How to Control Bladder Spasms From UTI

According to the "National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse," one in five women will contract a urinary tract infection in their lifetime. Urinary tracts infections develop when bacteria from body is pushed through the urethra and does not filter properly. Men can contract UTIs

Health & Medical: Recurrent Bladder Infections

Recurrent Bladder Infections

Bladder infections, or urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be a serious medical problem, and they infect a large portion of the population. UTIs are common in women and can appear as a recurring problem. If you are a person who has recurring UTIs there are measures you can take to maintain your heal

Health & Medical: What Helps Kidney Stones?

What Helps Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are extremely painful. If you know the type of stone you're prone to, you can take measures to prevent future kidney stones from forming. There are several ways to remove the kidney stone if it doesn't pass on its own.

Health & Medical: Diets for Uric Acid

Diets for Uric Acid

Uric acid is a natural and necessary compound found in our bodies. In humans, it functions as an antioxidant and promotes the health of our blood vessel linings. We need a continual supply in our system. Uric acid is produced in our bodies when it breaks down an amino acid called purine. Purine prov

Health & Medical: Weight Loss May Reduce Incontinence

Weight Loss May Reduce Incontinence

For obese and overweight women, losing weight can dramatically reduce episodes of incontinence, according to a new study.

Health & Medical: How to Reverse Kidney Disease With Herbs

How to Reverse Kidney Disease With Herbs

Kidneys filter blood, removing excess toxins in order to maintain an optimal chemical balance in the body. When suffering from kidney disease, the filtration of toxins is not performed fully, and some herbs that would regularly be beneficial to the kidneys, such as bayberry, parsley and dandelion, m

Health & Medical: Reasons for Frequent Urination in Women

Reasons for Frequent Urination in Women

IrritantsYou may experience frequent urination if you bladder is irritated by caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, tomato-based foods or carbonated drinks. Cutting these out of your diet can help. Bubble bath and other products also can cause frequent urination by irritating your urethra from...

Health & Medical: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Bacteria Infection Symptoms

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Bacteria Infection Symptoms

Pseudomonas aeruginosa can infect almost any tissue in the body that is compromised (i.e. damaged or weakened by injury or disease). It can infect the urinary tract, respiratory tract, skin, soft tissue, heart valves, ears, bones, joints and gastrointestinal tract. Many Pseudomonas aeruginosa infect

Health & Medical: How to Treat Swim Bladder Disease

How to Treat Swim Bladder Disease

Swim bladder disease is a condition that affects fish. Fish use the swim bladder to regulate buoyancy in the water. When the swim bladder suffers from a disease or injury, the fish has a difficult time maintaining buoyancy. Fish with swim bladder disease may float on the top of the tank's surface

Health & Medical: Brand Name Drugs in Urology

Brand Name Drugs in Urology

Drug expenses are skyrocketing. You might be surprised to learn that there are big differences in what you will pay for drugs. Learn about common brand name drugs in urology.