Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - How Diabetes And Cholesterol Are Connected

Type 2 Diabetes - How Diabetes And Cholesterol Are Connected

While Type 2 diabetes, in and of itself, can be a major obstacle to deal with, it is often the associated complications that can also dramatically affect your health. One of the areas Type 2 diabetes effects is the level of fats in your blood... total cholesterol, triglycerides (the major form of fa

Health & Medical: Deadly Diabetes Rapidly Taking Its Toll on American Children

Deadly Diabetes Rapidly Taking Its Toll on American Children

Statistics in 2012 show an alarming increase in the number of American Children suffering from the deadly Diabetes. However, there seems to be no cure for children as Oral Medicines used effectively for adults do not show any sign of positive reactions in children as in adults.

Health & Medical: Diet For Diabetes - 7 Points to Remember

Diet For Diabetes - 7 Points to Remember

An effective management of diabetes requires a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, exercise and weight control. Diabetes is a condition of having a high level of sugar in the blood. However, having diabetes does not mean patients are completely restricted from eating sweet foods, it is still part of t

Health & Medical: 9 Easy Ways to Prevent Diabetic Foot And Its Complications

9 Easy Ways to Prevent Diabetic Foot And Its Complications

Diabetic foot is a long term complication of diabetes mellitus. Foot infections are one of the most common problems in people with diabetes. Because of poor circulation in these individuals, wounds and infections are more difficult to treat.

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes And The 'Flu

Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes And The 'Flu

Throughout the winter months we all hear disturbing stories about 'flu outbreaks. People rush to become immunized in the hopes of warding off what could become a serious condition. But what does the 'flu have to do with Type 2 diabetes? More than you would probably imagine. People diagnose

Health & Medical: Coping With A Diabetes Diagnosis

Coping With A Diabetes Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with diabetes can seem like a death sentence. Although diabetes is a disease that requires some effort to manage, you can still do the things you enjoy while keeping yourself healthy. Read on to learn more about things you can do to help you cope and manage your diabetes.

Health & Medical: Chinese Medicine and Diabetes - Part 2

Chinese Medicine and Diabetes - Part 2

Diabetes as with any major disease you will need to make lifestyle changes. More than likely it was the way that you were living your life that caused the problem to begin with. The Western concept of living is to work as hard as possible and then have a sedentary life when not working.

Health & Medical: A Diabetes Blood Test Will Determine Whether or Not You Have Diabetes

A Diabetes Blood Test Will Determine Whether or Not You Have Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease, which is induced by high levels of sugar in the blood. With diabetes, the body cannot break down the sugar in the blood by itself. So to break down the sugar, extra insulin will be required at regular intervals. A specialized diet is also incorporated, which would control the

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetic Misdiagnosis and LADA, Finding Type 1 Diabetes in Adults

Type 2 Diabetic Misdiagnosis and LADA, Finding Type 1 Diabetes in Adults

Type 2 diabetic misdiagnosis is possible in about 20% of people diagnosed with type 2. What they may have is LADA, latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. Here are the facts. Doctors look at high blood sugar, age and being overweight as the top defining factors. And type 2 diabetes is a growing proble

Health & Medical: Dare To Know Diabetic Weight Loss Plans

Dare To Know Diabetic Weight Loss Plans

Diabetics must be careful when selecting the right diet plan that will work in harmony with diabetes. If the rights Diabetic Weight Loss Plans aren't in place, severe rhythms in blood sugars could be a dangerous side effect. Discover 7 key components for the adequate Diabetic Weight Loss Plans.

Health & Medical: Blood Sugar (Glucose)

Blood Sugar (Glucose)

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of blood sugar (glucose) including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Vanadyl Sulfate and Diabetes

Vanadyl Sulfate and Diabetes

Vanadium has been found in human studies to imitate the effects of insulin in our bodies.

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetic Complications and Maintenance

Type 2 Diabetic Complications and Maintenance

Once a patient has been diagnosed with diabetes due to elevated blood sugar levels and a deficiency of insulin production these patients need to be monitored as acute and chronic complications could arise due to an abnormal low blood sugar level due to either too much insulin or medication taken for

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - The Weight Loss And Blood Sugar Connection!

Type 2 Diabetes - The Weight Loss And Blood Sugar Connection!

Are you obese and suffering from Type 2 diabetes? Do you ever wonder why your doctor keeps on nagging you about trimming your belly fat and getting rid of your excess weight? Do you know the benefits of losing weight in Type 2 diabetes? If you are still puzzled about what effective, healthy weight l

Health & Medical: Diabetes Study Sparks Treatment Debate

Diabetes Study Sparks Treatment Debate

Patients with diabetes who lowered their cholesterol and blood pressure to below target levels with medication displayed improvements in several important markers of heart and vascular disease, a study shows.

Health & Medical: Diabetic Foot Complications and Treatment

Diabetic Foot Complications and Treatment

Injury to the foot of a diabetic is the number one cause for amputation to occur and it is 15 times more likely for a diabetic patient to undergo an amputation then a non diabetic. The leading causes of foot disease associated with diabetes include ischemia, infection and sensory neuropathy.

Health & Medical: Feelings About Diabetes - Depression and Denial

Feelings About Diabetes - Depression and Denial

More on the subject of what a person feels when they learn they are a diabetic.Depression and denial are covered in this installment as well as the ways of dealing with them.